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EdSheeransucksass t1_jdpnvni wrote

I wish I had a GameCube, would've loved to play all those Mario games back in the day.


Zombienerd300 t1_jdps8ny wrote

GameCube. I always owned the Super Nintendo and 64 but I never had the GameCube.

Honorable mention to original Xbox.


Flowerinio t1_jdpytpp wrote

I never had any console so to be honest i think i would be excited to have anything, currently i am emulating gameboy on my phone and it's so fun to explore the games i never had as a kid! like mario games, zelda, pokemon, sonic...


i had a computer since i was small so i did play computer games but i never played with a controller so that's all new for me. now i started to play phone games on bluestacks so i could play them with a controller too, i don't know how to connect it to my phone directly so at least i have this option


comicmac305 OP t1_jdqeawp wrote

I can say I have done that before with emulating games and enjoying something I didn't own. Personally with the vast games online I have wanted a pc


Flowerinio t1_jduc3vm wrote

It's really cool that we have the option to emulate something to try games from platforms/devices we don't have. True, i guess pc is the ultimate machine out of all of them, at least for me it opens up many opportunities


Former_Software2452 t1_jdpr634 wrote

Probably a GameCube. I always played at friend’s houses but never had my own.


thenotsofunnyside t1_jdq2slw wrote

I was a SEGA and Sony kid. Didn’t get a Nintendo home console (Switch) until I was 30, and it made me wish I could have had an N64 or SNES back in the day. I missed so many legendary games it’s unreal.

Sure I can play some of those games now on NSO, but it doesn’t have everything I want (mainly stuff like Chrono Trigger, the early Final Fantasy games) and games just hit different when you’re a kid.

I would have been all over the Zelda and Metroid games in particular.


opeth_syndrome t1_jdq43t8 wrote

I remember really wanting a Dreamcast when they 1st launched. Luckily I ended up playing one quite a bit a few years later as my friend had one.


piedude67e t1_jdqpd30 wrote

I'm actually really glad with the consoles I had growing up.

But if there was one I'd say the ps1


tim_timmayy t1_jdqv8rz wrote

Ohhhh good question. Never thought of this. I enjoyed playing Sonic at my friends, but that’s all played at his house. Maybe a Genesis just to try other games like Phantasy Star and whatnot.

Maybe after that a PS1


Milo751 t1_je2dsmp wrote

Being born in 2006 I've gotten all the things I would want Wii, DS, 3DS, Xbox, Xbox One, Switch and now PC

Funnily enough I got an Xbox 360 after an Xbox One


pokemonviking t1_je6wvki wrote

I was a Playstation kid but also played Pokémon on the Gameboy. My friend had an N64 and I loved Perfect Dark and Goldeneye. I specifically got a Gamecube in anticipation of the great Rareware games expected to be released on it. And then they sold Rare to Microsoft 😅

So I guess I always just wished I had the N64 and perfect dark in the year 2000. Fun times.


Newkular_Balm t1_jdpqoae wrote

I played a vectrex recently and it was sooooo great. There was something very special about its FEEL.


comicmac305 OP t1_jdqedza wrote

Never heard about this device till just now. Looks tiny


piedude67e t1_jdqp9hh wrote

It's definitely not small. That thing is heavy. I love mine. Highly recommend palyingone.


AcrobaticSecretary29 t1_jdpzsi4 wrote

Man probably the psp


Haizenburg1 t1_jdq6o08 wrote

I bought one at launch. Only remember getting Ridge Racer, Lumines, a memory stick, and carry case. Converted a couple movies and videos to play on it. That was cool af for the time. Threw it in the trash after a couple months.

>! It was in a pile of newspapers that I threw out. !<



comicmac305 OP t1_jdqeh1o wrote

>Threw it in the trash after a couple months. > >>! It was in a pile of newspapers that I threw out. !<

Omg that is horrible


[deleted] t1_jdq2ym7 wrote



comicmac305 OP t1_jdqekld wrote

The tweaks were nice to Crystal but buying something new specifically for it nah not so much


[deleted] t1_jdutu9z wrote

I wish I had got a nintendo switch back when they were new because now I feel like the next nintendo console is soon so I wont buy one.