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JLD1992 t1_jegbd6o wrote

You go from "night night, knights" to shitting your pants running through dark corridors with a regenerator on your tail so I'm inclined to agree lol


mbelasko12 t1_jegqy64 wrote

Regenerator reaching out of the darkness to grab you with their strechy arms.


skrillaguerilla t1_jefmz77 wrote

Only slightly worse than the original.


Ezekiel2121 t1_jeg50np wrote

Literally the only thing worse is the Knife isn’t indestructible.

Everything else has been amazing.


JustAboutAlright t1_jegdgr8 wrote

I do miss “What are ya buyin?” but other than that agree.


imjustamazing t1_jegr212 wrote

There was no topping the original merchant. The best you could hope for was just not fucking it up, and I'd say they at least did that.


xCaptainVictory t1_jegv7c2 wrote

I think it was a balance mechanic. In OG RE4 you could knock someone over and knife them infinitely until death. This eliminates that. Plus you can repair it for cheap at the merchant.


Aromatic_Might_3773 t1_jegr9i2 wrote

Who is asking for these broken weapon mechanics in modern games? What a miserable mechanic.


SonicSlice t1_jefxs1y wrote

Ok boomer


skrillaguerilla t1_jeg04cd wrote

Lol. Ok Zoomer.

I mean somethings were better and some worse. It felt less fun overall. And it's a video game. So...only slightly worse. Wasn't really meant as a negative. It's still very solid. But clearly less fun.


TDAJ5 t1_jeg0q9q wrote

Doesn't make any sense as to why you think this game is less fun than the original. They improved on everything can you provide actual input as to why it's "clearly" less fun because the vast majority would disagree


skrillaguerilla t1_jeg29po wrote

Tone of game is more serious and less fun. Certain dialogue and characters are more reasonable instead of over the top campy. Inventory management annoyed me more this time around due to certain tweaks. I thought the side quest system was sophomorically included and didn't add anything other than filler fluff and so may as well not have been there.

I prefer the sillier over the top tone of the original.

Regardless, it's my opinion. Based on my preferences and that's all I was expressing. You're under no obligation to agree or even be willing to see my points, though it's nice of you to inquire. Luckily we're all able to have differing opinions on trivial bullshit like video games without it having any impact on one anothers' lives. We can all just go on enjoying what we do or don't enjoy.
