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Magnon t1_jduktgx wrote

Most games are designed with a console centric mindset and consoles can't aim very well, so flying through the air at high speeds doesn't work with the limitations of a controller.


InamedabunnyAK47 t1_jdutxrj wrote

this just isn't true

yeah playing high speed shooters is easier on keyboard and mouse but it's still very doable on controller and the real main reason it's harder is hitting the jump button while trying to aim

controllers are a lot better for aim then people seem to think and even have an advantage over a mouse when it comes to constant movement


emi_yagami t1_jdvnvse wrote

Aim assist isn't really and advantage as much as evening the playing field. Not gonna say it's hard on console, but when I played cod back in the day I certainly turned it off.