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Emil_Zatopek1982 t1_jdmndrm wrote

Reply to comment by ItsLCGaming in As a Playstation Fan... by [deleted]

Probably, but I would not be surprise if there wasn't or if it was actually a cloud console(like the one that is coming but was postponed).


ItsLCGaming t1_jdmnkxx wrote

Of course more options but there's always people who want hardware. As good as cloud can be it's nowhere a main source of gaming

All the options ms gives and the series consoles have sold better than any xbox to date in the period they been out


Emil_Zatopek1982 t1_jdmodug wrote

Of course, I am talking about the future.

And we know that selling consoles is a bad business. The money consoles make comes from other sources than selling the actual console. I think this is why MS already flirts with cloud, but Xcloud is pretty bad and years away from actually working product. GeForce Now is great techwise, but it has a lousy library which MS now makes much better.

But yeah, I agree that consoles are not going away in near future.