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BlueMikeStu t1_jdmo5pt wrote

It's a good thing you're not in charge of Sony, then.

Microsoft trying to buy third parties is a big deal, and we know their lies about not making everything exclusive are lies after their acquisition of Bethesda. You might not care much for Call of Duty, but it's literally the biggest third-party franchise in existence and competed with Pokemon in terms of sales figures. Microsoft suddenly turning it exclusive is the kind of move that decides the console generation winner by itself.

Sony has to protest it. Jim Ryan would be shit at his job if he didn't. And that's just COD. The acquisition would give them all of Activision's other franchises, as well as Blizzard's. So that's Diablo, Warcraft, Overwatch, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Tony Hawk, and more.

There's no way regulators are going to allow it to go through. It's too big a merger and would give Microsoft a defacto monopoly on the market.


OkCrantropical t1_jdmv6jw wrote

Hate to burst your bubble but it’s very obviously going to go through. You’d have to be ridiculously stupid to believe otherwise.


BlueMikeStu t1_jdnewgi wrote

It's not. There are multiple regulatory bodies looking into it. If any one of them blocks it, it doesn't go through. The European bodies are especially casting a critical eye on it.


OkCrantropical t1_jdnr04q wrote

A critical eye is not a no. It’s a critical eye. And while I’m not saying I agree with the acquisition, there is no solid legal standpoint to block it, and if anyone did they’d immediately be contested. It’s going to go through.


BlueMikeStu t1_jdnx5lf wrote

And they've already told Microsoft that they don't like the deal. One in Europe outright told them that promising COD on the Switch doesn't change anything for them.


Liquid_Raptor54 t1_jdmv47w wrote

I really can't see people going out to buy Xboxes on mass just because CoD left PlayStation. You really think Microsoft is going to leave that much money on the table just because they bought Activision? Makes zero sense. "Let's shoot ourselves in the foot and lose $$$billions just because we wanna stick it to Sony"?

They couldn't convince PC gamers to buy an extra Xbox so all their former exclusives are now on PC. Couldn't convince enough people to only use their crappy Microsoft store so they seem to not mind sharing the 30% cut with Steam lately. They definitely know a lot of people won't suddenly drop Sony for Microsoft or bother buying Xboxes


BlueMikeStu t1_jdnf1sy wrote

> Makes zero sense. "Let's shoot ourselves in the foot and lose $$$billions just because we wanna stick it to Sony"?

Almost like making Bethesda's new game Starfield a Microsoft exclusive costs them billions to stick it to Sony would be shooting themselves in the foot? That exact thing that happened?


mwhite42216 t1_jdn2q0u wrote

All they said regarding the aquisition of Bethesda was that they wouldn't make all their games exclusive. You're a fool if you thought Starfield wouldn't be exclusive. But unless Fallout and Elder Scrolls become Microsoft exclusive (Doom and Wolfenstein as well), you really have no argument here.


BlueMikeStu t1_jdned11 wrote

Microsoft said they'd decide it on a case by case basis, and every case has been for exclusivity. Regulators are not morons who say "Tee-hee, you got us!"

Microsoft violated the spirit of their agreement with regulators with Bethesda merger, so those same regulators aren't going to take them at their word now.


mwhite42216 t1_jdnjtql wrote

And what existing IP has Microsoft pulled from other platforms? I'll wait.


BlueMikeStu t1_jdnn16d wrote

Redfall, Arkane's latest game, was literally in development for PlayStation as well as Xbox and was made exclusive.


mwhite42216 t1_jdnzrcr wrote

It's still not an existing IP. Sony fans have not been deprived of any titles they've been able to play for years. Outside of Bethesda, Microsoft also owns Mojang and Minecraft. That a hugely successful title that is still available on multiple platforms. Microsoft could have taken that away. They could have taken Fallout, Skyrim etc away but they haven't.

If Sony had the money to do the same thing Microsoft is doing, would they do things any different than Microsoft? Sony's exclusive developers/games remain exclusive to their consoles. The outrage seems to be that you and everyone else hates that Microsoft has more money. But unless they take all these pre-existing titles away, what is there to really complain about?


BlueMikeStu t1_jdo2era wrote

So what you're telling me is that you have no fucking idea why these regulatory bodies exist. Gotcha.


mwhite42216 t1_jdo731a wrote

So what you're telling me is you're butthurt. Cool.