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Liquid_Raptor54 t1_jdmv47w wrote

Reply to comment by BlueMikeStu in As a Playstation Fan... by [deleted]

I really can't see people going out to buy Xboxes on mass just because CoD left PlayStation. You really think Microsoft is going to leave that much money on the table just because they bought Activision? Makes zero sense. "Let's shoot ourselves in the foot and lose $$$billions just because we wanna stick it to Sony"?

They couldn't convince PC gamers to buy an extra Xbox so all their former exclusives are now on PC. Couldn't convince enough people to only use their crappy Microsoft store so they seem to not mind sharing the 30% cut with Steam lately. They definitely know a lot of people won't suddenly drop Sony for Microsoft or bother buying Xboxes


BlueMikeStu t1_jdnf1sy wrote

> Makes zero sense. "Let's shoot ourselves in the foot and lose $$$billions just because we wanna stick it to Sony"?

Almost like making Bethesda's new game Starfield a Microsoft exclusive costs them billions to stick it to Sony would be shooting themselves in the foot? That exact thing that happened?