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Dzekistan t1_jebtk52 wrote

who cares about police system and civilian AI? This game got bout load of quests and cool locations, who got time to interact with wanted system. I never got wanted even once. This is not GTA


SeanOfTheDead- t1_jebusj2 wrote

>who cares about police system and civilian AI? This game got bout load of quests and cool locations, who got time to interact with wanted system. I never got wanted even once. This is not GTA

Lots of people care considering that they were heavily criticized features, and CDPR boasted about how immersive the game world is.

Nothing screams immersion like firing a gun and every NPC getting out of their car, squatting with hands over their head, and disappearing the moment you turn away lol.

Look, like I said, I love the game and liked it Day 1, but you can like something while still acknowledging the issues and flaws it has/had.


Dzekistan t1_jee6zeu wrote

Immersion can mean hundred different things, I think final fantasy 7 remake is immersive, but when I swing a sword in front of a npc in town nothing happens. Its fine to say that you would like to have a feature in the game, every game can have a feature added to be better, but its misleading and bullshit that people expect this feature because they have GTA in their mind, give scathing remarks about incompleteness of the game in every fucking post. This game doesnt need this feature, its ok as it is and the city is immersive without going on shooting sprees.


SeanOfTheDead- t1_jeenb7x wrote

>Immersion can mean hundred different things

What I described breaks immersion regardless of this point

>every game can have a feature added to be better, but its misleading and bullshit that people expect this feature because they have GTA in their mind

No, people expect the feature because it's literally in the game and was very poorly executed at launch... You keep making this imaginary connection to GTA like that's the only game genre with police in it lol.

>give scathing remarks about incompleteness of the game in every fucking post. This game doesnt need this feature, its ok as it is and the city is immersive without going on shooting sprees.

Again, has the feature, and was definitely incomplete, even the devs admit they missed the mark on several features in game, so I don't really know what you're defending.

I liked the game, I think it did a lot of things right, doesn't mean I have to ignore what it did wrong still.


sanjay2204 t1_jec1jth wrote

Nobody did until CDPR set themselves as a competitor to GTA. CDPR fanboys were circlejerking that Cyberpunk will put down gta and cyberpunk will be the next gta and the next best open work game ever. One of the dumbest comments I saw from a CDPR fanboy before cyberpunk 2077 release was this "R* went from cars [GTA 5] to horses [RDR 2] and CDPR went from horses[Withcher 3] to cars[Cyberpunk 2077]". I wish this guy was joking but he wasn't. He used the mode of transport and timeline in which those games take as a measurement of quality of products. CDPR fanboys were hyping this shit up like the 2nd second coming of Jesus Christ and CDPR did nothing control the hype. They also said that Cyberpunk 2077 will aim to be as polished as RDR 2.

The marketing really was bad for this game. I liked the actual game. If it wasn't for it's marketing, I think game would have been well received even if we ignore the bugs.


Dzekistan t1_jee6ave wrote

Why should I care what some people on the internet said? Its on you for seeing a game with a city and guns and cars and expecting it to have wanted system and civilian ai like gta whatever it means. Doesnt mean that this game needs this system at all, I think its useless because the game is about various side quests and main quests. About the marketing thing, I think if they didnt botch the ps4 launch they would be 100% fine, it was a travesty that the ps4 version got released, didnt expect such a fuck up from a company this caliber. The other shit that people say that proves somehow that cyberpunk is an incomplete game is dogshit in my opinion. On launch day you get an easy 90 hours game for standard pricing, for me without bugs on PC with top notch quests and narrative and okay gameplay


sanjay2204 t1_jeet721 wrote

I mostly agree, But like I said. CDPR set themselves in a position where everyone considered them as next best AAA open world studio. Ris a good open world developer, might be the best in open world crime genre. But their greedy anti consumer choices drove away many people from gta and they wanted something as the next replacement for gta. Everybody considered CDPR as the industry darling before CP 2077 released. Even CDPR were riding the hype. They didn't put any effort in distinguishing themselves from gta or R. The founder of CDPR said that the quality of CP 2077 will match the quality of RDR 2. You might not care about what people thought think about a particular product or company,but if they pay 60 dollars for a video game, they are gonna expect that quality. The owners of both base ps 4's and Xbox didn't receive that quality. The game released at end of 2020, only fewer people owned next gen consoles at that time. So, The complaints from owners of base ps4's and xbox's would have been way more compared to other platforms.


Dzekistan t1_jef7til wrote

Again, I agree with all the criticism regarding PS4 and xbox versions, they deserve every one bit of it. But you seem to insist that consumers were right to expect a GTA game out of CP 2077 and I pose that they didn't really. Regarding quality, this is such an abstract statement, I would argue that they met the quality of RDR2, even surpassed it, but this is highly subjective. Quality doesn't mean that they would match the feature set.


sanjay2204 t1_jeffb4x wrote

I wasn't insisting that people were right to expect a gta. Certainly, I wasn't. That's the reason I enjoyed cyberpunk 2077 despite it's issues. But, CDPR fanboys did, a large part of the fanbase did. They expected a open world action - adventure RPG that would rival GTA. When you have fansboys like them spreading that CDPR is gonna deliver next gta, you are bound to set up as their competitor. I was aware of CDPR's track record, I was just expecting a good story driven game and I was satisfied, didn't blow my mind but still a good game.

Even if we ignore that the CP 2077 wasn't going to be a competitor to GTA, the game had insanely high expectations. The expectations sky-rocketed when Keanu reeves involvement in the game was revealed.

Even CDPR devs understood that meeting high expectations were impossible. When April 18 2020 announcement date announced, the devs thought that the management were insane to announce such an early date for the game.

For ex. Recently leslie benzies [Ex-R* North head], left R* in 2013 and started making his new game called everywhere and recently started showcasing the game. In every interview about the game, he insists that the game is not gta and vastly different from that. He understands that going against gta is tough task. Many fans who have made up their mind that this will be next gta, But him insisting this is not gta will certainly helps with the marketing for his game in the long run, because he is making a different type of open world. He doesn't want his game to be overhyped or compared to gta. CDPR didn't do any of this, They were riding the hype, the game was overhyped, most people were expecting a gta.

Even if they were wrong in expecting a gta, they were atleast right in expecting a quality product. Like it or not, Cyberpunk 2077 was broken on launch. I disagree on your point about quality between RDR 2 and Cyberpunk 2077, RDR 2 was running perfectly on the consoles it was advertised for, Sony didn't remove RDR 2 from their store for several months. It is the highest rated playstation 4 game. Unfortunately the same isn't true for Cyberpunk 2077, even CDPR themselves ignored the last gen version of the game to concentrate on present gen consoles. If you are gonna advertise a game for a platform make sure that it runs well on that platofrm. Like it or not, Cyberpunk 2077's launch was buggy, featuring technical issues such as poor stability/crashes, AI bugs in NPCs, and severe visual problems that made the game nearly unplayable. A lot of Cyberpunk 2077’s initial player base was understandably thrown off, and thus quickly gave up on the game after seeing the state it was in. You might love the game for what it is, but so many people do not share same opinion as you.


Dzekistan t1_jefxk44 wrote

I agree with almost all you said. My quality comment concerns only PC, as I said last gen consoles release was dumbfuck move. My gripe with what is said on this forum is that people are lumping together console release fuckup with something that they are responsible for - overhyping etc. I would agree that CDPR overhyped if they were statements that their game is like GTA in the future or something but for me its not right to hold them responsible for peoples imagination on internet. I would rather see some constructive criticism about shooting mechanics, driving etc. Repeatedly I saw comments like "this game was unfinished at launch even for PC" and I cannot agree with this to any extend. Typically when you call a game unfinished ypu refer to some big feature missing or that the game lacks content and its short. While this game has 90 hours worth of side and main missions which are all unique even if sometimes a bit dull. All main features are in place. But somehow peoples criticism was focused on the wanted system which wouldnt add anything to the game, maybe 1h worth of fucking around.