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SiNi5T3R t1_jeeqyd3 wrote

You werent lucky. You were blind.

No NPC AI for most NPCs outside of quests, very very very basic AI for every enemy including bosses.

Literally zero traffic AI.

Zero cop AI, trigger cops and they just spawn around you, even inside walls if you were inside a building.

Bugged crafting, super easy to even unintentionally create a borderline unkillable character by just playing the game normally without paying attention to what crafting is doing to the stats of the items your making.

Half the perks bugged.

Rocket launcher that puts everything it touches to sleep in 1 hit including bosses...

A whole "hacking" system with 5mins of total thought put into it which allowed you to just deal with any encounter by just standing behind a wall and make every enemy kill each other (in a game that already could not provide you with enough of a challenge to justify taking this aproach to begin with, because of all the broken/missing AI on enemies)

You must have been playing the game with blinds on too to not notice all the objects loading out of place or missing, or all the T posing or bugged reflections xD