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jordgoin t1_jef1qj2 wrote

No I definitely did see that, I was however able to put that aside because I was to busy enjoying the amazing story, characters, music, etc. Just like I got over the borderline unplayable ps3 versions of those games I mentioned because they had something wonderful underneath all the jank. If that is not for you then there is nothing wrong with that, but some people will still enjoy it and there is nothing wrong with that. The state of the game at launch is not excusable and we should expect more, we did not get everything that was promised to be in the game, but when everything was said and done I still loved what I got out of it much more than almost any recent AAA game.


SiNi5T3R t1_jef50yr wrote

.......and thats where people like you need to rethink your posts.

There is a giant difference between "i saw something wrong but i can look past it" and " i experienced no bugs".

Saying there is no bugs is sending out the wrong message and giving game devs a free pass to over promise and false advertise their games even more than they already do, which in some companies case is already a pure vile state.

IM NOT TELLING YOU YOU CANT HAVE ENJOYED THE GAME. Just dont lie about its buggy release state, its even so stupid to do that now that they have actually gone ahead and fixed so much, its like your denying the existance of so much hard work put by the devs, arent you the one supposed to be on their side since your the one reviewing the game positively? What have they been doing this whole time then? Taking years to make dlc? No. Fixing the damn game. Why? Because it was miserable at release. Miserable enough to have ruined the experience? That part is debatable some people think that yes, some no.

Some people dont mind jank, others do, but it was there.


jordgoin t1_jef5vvq wrote

I don't personally think I said there were no bugs? I said I mostly only experienced visual bugs which is the case.