Submitted by caidus t3_124lqof in gaming

I have mainly played RS and WoW in my life and a few FPS.

I have found myself bored of RS having achieved pretty much everything and am looking for a new game. I haven't explored other MMO's or RPG's. I did play Demigod years ago and really enjoyed that.

Can anyone suggest some things I can explore? Other genre's perhaps or similar? thanks :)



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[deleted] t1_jdzs6fn wrote

These posts tend to come from folks who predominantly played online titles for extended periods of time. Disconnect and play a good story with a singleplayer game in the genre of your choice.


shart290 t1_jdzuawm wrote

Doom, Shadow Warrior, OG Unreal Tournament, No Man's Sky, Elite Dangerous, Any of the Elder Scrolls Series, Any of the Diablo series, Sim City, GTA V story Mode, Saints Row franchise, Portal and Portal 2, Halflife Franchise.

If you're looking for an experience, with a challenge try The Room Franchise, What Became of Edith Finch, Gone Home (if you can find it), The Suicide Of Rachel Foster (that one is a bit triggering for some, but the story is well told.) The stanley parable.


the-unfamous-one t1_jdzq4ew wrote

I will always recommend the following, BioShock, mass effect, prey (2017), and the Batman Arkham games. Although maybe I should start including dragon age, assassins creed, and doom in my recommendations


Hot-Wallaby-6402 t1_jdzu4hp wrote

If you I liked the story from wow you should try some singleplayer games like the witcher series or elder scrolls


krazykellerxkid t1_jdzpey4 wrote

Try a roguelite/roguelike that looks interesting to you. Dead Cells, Have a Nice Death, Risk of Rain 2.

Or go off the rails and play Death Stranding.

Hand of Fate 2 is a game I come back to every couple of months.


shart290 t1_jdzr49q wrote

7 Days To Die, Boundless, Watchdogs Franchise, The Forest, Subnautica, Diablo Immortal, Rust, terraria, Elder Scrolls V


Badittude64 t1_jdzxog9 wrote

Valheim might scratch that itch


cprice90 t1_jdzxykk wrote

Cyberpunk it works now


SixthHouseScrib t1_jdzzi4i wrote

Skyrim! It's not mmo but maybe that will be a breath of fresh air? If you want something more challenging but rewarding try out Moorowind(look into openmw)


fiarzen t1_jdzp0oe wrote

Vermintide 2!


ezinem77 t1_jdzq0pz wrote

If you can handle RuneScape see if you can handle EVE. Same game, just prettier, not really, but pretty much.


Projectdystopia t1_jdzq2dq wrote

Hollow knight and outer wilds are good games to explore, get lost and find your way out, first one literally and second more metaphorically.


Bastymuss_25 t1_jdzxou3 wrote

Try Hades and Pyre I have a feeling that might help you out of your funk.


Fat_Pig_Reporting t1_jdzxox7 wrote

If you are the kind of person who 100% freaking RS, there isn't much that can keep you up and running I'm afraid. Can try the 4x Paradox games I guess?


Drazyor t1_je00rvr wrote

There's a Final Fantasy XIV free trial ongoing right now (up to the second DLC) I can't stress enough how amazing this game is, you should definitely give it a try, ESPECIALLY if you're into game's OST and excellent story.


Xano74 t1_je1d66g wrote

If you want something similar (but differently) to WoW, try City of Heroes. It was a major competitor to WoW back in the day and is still around and is completely free to play.

Same tab based targeting and skill usage, but instead of Elves and Orcs, you have Super Heroes/Villains, gangs, zombies, mechs, etc. Been playing it for nearly 20 years now.


superduperpuppy t1_je2mp4k wrote

You sound a bit burned out my friend. If you are, it happens. Nothing wrong with that. Might be good to step away from gaming for a bit. A few days. A few weeks. It will be there when you get back.

Lots of good recommendations here. But I wish you a happy heart, a strong spirit, and a healthy mind. Good luck to you.


BadProgrammerGage t1_je02k0y wrote

Black Desert Online if you want something like RS with lots to achieve.


Nohcri t1_je02sub wrote

All the Mario games


North21 t1_jdzp3sl wrote

Monster Hunter, either world or rise.


Turbulent_Winter549 t1_jdzxtl7 wrote

Have you tried any of the Diablo games? You can get D3 pretty cheap and it's a great game you can sink a lot of time into