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knuckleprod t1_jdwvmfw wrote

Diablo 4.

But seriously, World of Warcraft. Thoughts? I’m free!!


mr_showboat t1_jdwerk7 wrote

Last one I played was probably Lost Ark. It was a lot of fun for a while, in spite of the... less than great management of the game. Eventually I hit the point where I didn't have a static group and I found the endgame PUG scene to be pretty unpleasant. So all the solo or easy stuff just felt like I was grinding for no reason, since I didn't enjoy the process of finding groups for more difficult content. Still, a fun game to play.


eawardie t1_jdwf9gb wrote

Last one was SWtOR. I always find myself going back to it. Always a good time as well. But it never captures me for long.


tigojones t1_jdwfvig wrote

Technically, I dabble in Star Trek Online, but that's mostly so I can fly the various ships from the various series. Don't really do the multiplayer part of it.

The last one I played as an mmo was WOW back in the Legion days.


JJKBA t1_jdwtq2e wrote

My first MMO was Eve Online and I loved it. Haven’t played it in.. 10 years? due to having a family really makes MMO too time consuming. I have 10 years left until retirement (hopefully), might give it a go if it’s still there.

I tried WOW and it just wasn’t for me, Eve ticked all my boxes, you can play PVE, PVP, be a Pirate.. just anything.


Ognius t1_jdy4l8g wrote

World of Warcraft for me. It’s obviously still the best mmorpg. After quitting in shadowlands it’s nice to be back. Dragonflight is a great expansion. Don’t play wow unless you want to get (back) sucked in.


The_Corvair t1_jdwh5b7 wrote

LotRO, since it's free, and I used to love it fifteen years ago. It's still pretty decent, the sheer scope of the world is unrivaled, and the cash shop isn't as egregious and obtrusive as in other games.

In fact, I might play a bit of it later.


Serafiel0705 t1_jdx28xi wrote


The best MMORPG. Very nice comunity.


KamiFeah t1_jdzaq6h wrote

Same. Game is absolutely insane! The only reason I'm not playing it now is because I finished the story.

It's strange, usually people play MMOs for the grind and social aspects. But that game's story was what had me. Will be returning when 7.0 comes out!


MacAttack2015 t1_jdwims9 wrote

I am currently playing two MMOs.

I am subbed to FFXIV. I tried playing a couple of times in 2016 but struggled to get into it at the time (I was on console and it was my first MMO). Then I bought my PC in 2018 and picked the game back up in late 2019. The game's story from Heavensward through Endwalker was satisfying and dramatic, even if Stormblood was slow at times. I am excited to see where they take the story next given what's been happening in the post-Endwalker patches thus far. The game is packed full of content, though perhaps not as fulfilling if you are a long-time player who has already completed the endgame pursuits from past expansions. I really love the game's music (thanks Masayoshi Soken, you brilliant man), the "feel" of the jobs, and the welcoming community. My biggest criticism is that it isn't fully voice acted; in a game so story heavy and steeped in drama, it's getting tiring listening to other characters only on occasion, with my own input limited to emoted reactions of varying quality LOL.

I also play ESO. I have been subbed in the past but am not currently. I redownloaded the game and started a new character to play through the Elsweyr expansion (my first time) with some friends, who are totally new to the game. The game does very little to explain itself so it can be pretty overwhelming at first. Having played through other zones and their stories previously, Elsweyr seems like a quality expansion. The expansion's zones are big and detailed, the music is gorgeous and thematic, and the visuals impress all around - for a MMO, at least. My biggest criticism is that it relies heavily on its in-game store for things that should be at least achievable/obtainable through playtime; you can't even change your character's hairstyle after character creation without buying a cosmetic pack with IRL money (whether purchased directly or via the game's sub), which is just ludicrously greedy.

Both games have pros and cons for sure. FFXIV is the better of the two as a whole personally, but ESO has some very specific qualities that I really like about it. This may sound silly but ESO's level of detail in the animal/monster models and their behaviors is very immersive. The cities are large and full of NPCs, not just grand empty spaces for the sake of it (FFXIV is guilty of this even to this day). On the flip side, I am not invested in ESO's story in the long-term because there isn't an overarching plot connecting it all together yet (I believe they intend to move into larger/grander story arcs now), I don't understand the glam/appearance system at all outside of costumes (if it even exists), and collecting mounts/pets seems much more dependent on in-game purchases than FFXIV (so.... so many mounts and minions to work towards).


Tsuruchi_Mokibe t1_jdwu4vu wrote

Last MMO I played for a considerable amount of time was Archeage before the devs went cash hungry on it. I absolutely loved the exploration and sailing, along with neat features like the crime system. Ever since quitting it, I've been trying to find an MMO that gives a similar feel with exploration and freedom but I haven't found anything satisfactory yet.


body_slam_poet t1_jdwuzfa wrote

FFXIV. Shadowbringer a real high water mark. I was disappointed with the most recent expansion, Endwalker. It sort of grew on me, but it definitely didn't grab me.

My bigger gripe is with the combat system. Elemental effects are non-existent. Healers are just green damage dealers. Tanks are blue damage dealers. The uniqueness given to jobs was erased when they were simplified and rebalanced. The whole thing is just too simple.


ComeAnima t1_jdwwymq wrote

Never winter.

Really enjoyed it.

Probably best played with friends....none of my friends are nerds like me.


Xano74 t1_jdwxqau wrote

The last I played and stopped was Lost Ark. Really cool starting experience, but as someone who likes to make alts, that process is a nightmare past your first couple. The forced way of doing quests to level up and only being able to do the end game quests a couple times per character made me lost interest in the game.

The last MMO I played and am still playing is City of Heroes. Been playing this game since launch and I don't think I will ever uninstall it. Too much fun and started playing with my wife as well.


EditorVFXReditor t1_jdy71mj wrote

Darkfall, with all it's shortcomings, it was the best MMO outside UO when it was at its peak player base.


BlooPancakes t1_jdycb5e wrote

New World.

It was ok. I leveled to 60 during the time it was cool to do so. I played 5-10 hours daily. I more than got my moneys worth. I got to play it with friends and randos. My whole experience was enjoyable up until it fell off the map. I enjoyed the world the combat and the wood chopping sound!

Of course there were other cons such as the bugs and downtime. The very early days you had queue times as well because if I guess poor planning.


Still-Pattern-6384 t1_jdzymjb wrote

Guild Wars 2, would never come back to other MMOs. Who tried it knows, it just checks all boxes.


[deleted] t1_jdwdwtd wrote



eawardie t1_jdwf1rk wrote

Good thing you know exactly what other people like and enjoy. Since subjective taste doesn't play a role at all...

Sarcasm aside, I've tried BDO on multiple occasions, and it's one of the worst MMO experiences I've had. Not saying it's a bad game, just not for me.


[deleted] t1_jdwfgm3 wrote



eawardie t1_jdwglly wrote

>worthless timewasting in a bad designed game

This is not an objective view. It doesn't say much if anything. If you want to compare themes, gameplay, levelling loop, endgame and lore to determine an objectively "best" game, go for it. But I've found myself actively disliking some of the highest rated games out there because of subjective taste. It usually counts for more in my opinion.