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nderperforminMessiah t1_jefs8e8 wrote

Is chatgpt capable of roleplaying? As I understand it it’s a language model that basically uses predictive text


PharaohOfWhitestone t1_jefyjvj wrote

I once got bored and asked it to run a D&D one shot for me. It made me do rolls in person, but actually worked kinda well so I'd say yes it can roleplay to an extent.


Houndfell t1_jefzu49 wrote

It's also capable of making tactical decisions, which is cool. I informed the bot it had a sword and a pistol, and told it there was an enemy rifleman and an enemy swordsman an equal distance away. When asked what it was going to do, it correctly deduced taking out the rifleman first was the correct choice.


Platybear_OG OP t1_jeftivb wrote

I have no idea. Just a random thought I decided to post. Just seems cool if NPCs didn't cycle through same speech prompts over & over again.