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ISAV_WaffleMasta t1_jec1rwq wrote

The abstracts of how matchmaking works with multiple numbers on both sides aside, the only logical whines I hear fall in two categories.

  1. kbm shouldn't be included with controllers! (This from mostly in my personal observation people with kbm support for their preferred system that are pathologically attached to their controller)

  2. people who can't choose to go pwn noobs every game to feel better about themselves.

As a newbie I got 2 #1 wins in Fortnite with less than 9 games, I would like to believe it had a skill based system but IDK. It's my only experience playing fps type stuff competitive, wasn't my scene so I left, and have no idea if others were using a controller as opposed to the kbm setup I had, and if there's some info anyone wants to share to mention if it was a factor or not, please do of course.

In short, I don't normally play matched systems but my observations from mostly outside the community was one of those two. I'm open to data correcting it though that busts my personal experience 🤷