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thesaltscribe t1_jdrevm5 wrote

I felt this way for some time and I've basically been told the same things. Apparently if I don't want to be spoiled by something then it's my responsibility to just isolate myself from every piece of media ever and not socialize with anyone until I experience the thing. It's too much to ask of people to just control themselves.

Once final fantasy 16 comes out I'm probably going to have to just delete my internet accounts because I work 40 hours a week and I do not have the time to beat that game in a single sitting, and I'm sure that because I've showed interest in it my YouTube is going to have all the spoilers endings and secrets within the first 48 hours of the game's release.


LoCaL_dRuNkArD OP t1_jdrj8yt wrote

ikr? The people who say that are probably people who have nothing but free time, and then say ItS yOuR fAuLt. Its super infuriating.


thesaltscribe t1_jdrzpkn wrote

The people who say that have no self control and don't want to feel guilty over spoiling things.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 comes out in theaters and my discord friend is going to see it. I ask them, plead with them, to not spoil anything. "Seriously, don't. I can't see the movie right now like you." What do they do after they've seen it? Jump right into an ongoing voice call and begin talking about all the spoilers.

Later I was told I should've just avoided them because it's not their fault they got excited and wanted to talk about it. You cannot win with these people.


obvs_throwaway1 t1_jdsfiuq wrote

"I've no empathy or regard for other people but I don't wanna feel bad about it"


[deleted] t1_jdsqs57 wrote

So, instead of controlling yourself, you expect millions of randoms on the internet to control themselves? Most spoiler people just get worked up about the idea of spoilers and not the spoilers themselves. Taking on the journey yourself is completely different than viewing bits and pieces out of context, those bits and pieces are more likely to enhance the experience than to completely ruin it. That is unless a person is so bent out of shape that they've been soiled they can't enjoy all the parts that lead up to and follow the event.

Tldr, spoiler people are drama queens