Submitted by Oakenshield- t3_125uoub in gaming

I've enjoyed the far cry games..taking down outposts and such and playing through the story, but this game just doesn't look like that in comparison but it's on sale now

Is it a good far cry game worth paying £15 for?



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ModsSuckCock2 t1_je5zvxz wrote

Loved 3 and 5, got 6 as a gift and can't force my self to play through it. It just feels tedious and forced to me.


BurnerDanBurnerMan t1_je63rqk wrote

My bad, read the title wrong lol. 6 was alright, for 20 bucks I would. Definitely more to do, I'm just not into the whole spanglish style of it. Have your leaders run operations and theres more explosions than the others is cool. Don't expect it to be the best, but see it as just another fun game.


thewalkindude t1_je65yz8 wrote

6 is a lot of a pretty decent game. It's worth 20, especially if you haven't burnt yourself out on other installments.


Captain_CatDad t1_je68wa3 wrote

I liked 3 a lot, but none of the others. Still, 6 was one I could stand the least.


thewalkindude t1_je6fa76 wrote

I enjoyed what I've played of 6, but it's also the first Far Cry game I put any real time into. Buy I can absolutely see how you wouldn't be very big on it if you've played 3 and 5, if it's the same basic game.


Kommander-in-Keef t1_je6gdqc wrote

It’s your money but I wouldn’t recommend myself, 5 is the superior game imo.I played 6 before i played 5. I got thru the first 20 minutes of 6 and got bored. I instantly got hooked to 5 even though they are very similar games (more like 6 just recycled the ideas from 5)


ConfidentMongoose t1_je6gohj wrote

Depends if you enjoy Ubisoft open world games, because this is just that, another open world game where you spend your time chasing map icons.


Snoo_78242 t1_je6hkfn wrote

6 tried to copy 3 but did a terrible job….


Iffykindofguy t1_je6ie5g wrote

I lost interest in farcry after 3 but I really enjoyed 6 for some reason. You have to get the little heli that lets you fly around faster ASAP otherwise it gets annoying but its the only one Ive enjoyed. I tried so hard to like 5 and it just felt so repetitive


Best_Letterhead_418 t1_je6kfq9 wrote

It's more far cry. If you like the far cry formula you'll enjoy 6. It's perfectly fine for 20$


FrungyLeague t1_je6qnt1 wrote

I finished it and enjoyed the main story. I still think about the ending sometimes.


legoracer18 t1_je74gi0 wrote

On the flip side, playing through a new game+ and I have the guns I want to use already, it would be nice to not have to worry about accidently picking up a crap bad guy gun when just trying to loot them.


blueberryrockcandy t1_je75b6d wrote

I hated 5. 4 was fun till I had to make a choice between drug lord 2.0 and pedo.
6 I like, it is fun. I bought it when it came out, and then I bought it on PC for mods when it was on sale on PC. IMO the game is worth playing. but not worth any more then $40. [the pc sale price was $25.

Still annoyed by some aspects of the game, ALSO it basically feels like a rip off of Just Cause 3.


East-Wash-8466 t1_je79sk4 wrote

The best one is farcry 2, I played all of them, including 6

FC5. I completed within a few hours (very minimal story to it) FC4. I didn't really like that much. It seemed a little to colourful for me and didn't really pick up the storyline to it FC3. Wasn't to bad l. Was a little longer than 5 but in all the storyline was great FC2. Amazing storyline and very well over a few months of putting into it. I was on it for 3 weeks and only completed 2% of the campaign

FC6. Is amazing abit longer than 5 and there is abit more to it than what 5 had . I'm still currently playing it with main missions and side missions. It's definitely got a long storyline to it. Farcry 6 is definitely worth buying.


TJzzz t1_je7b59e wrote

Just get blood dragon again


Sabbathius t1_je7gjy9 wrote

It was quite decent. Nothing massively new, nothing particularly exciting, generic and forgettable writing as usual for Ubisoft in general. Nothing catastrophically bad about it either though.


ComeAnima t1_je7ocop wrote

That's an hour atleast per £1. I'd say it's worth it in those grounds alone.


legoracer18 t1_je7srk3 wrote

I probably wasnt clear, I haven't played FC6 but have 3, 5, and New Dawn. I'm in my like fourth or so new game+ on FC5 and that's why it would be nice to not have to worry about picking up enemy guns when looting since I know what guns I like to run.


Equisapien004 t1_jea523j wrote

It's honestly one of the better ones. If you dig the formula, you should definitely grab it.

edit: just saw you loved both 3 and 5. Yeah, you'll really like 6. It's got the best of both those games.