Submitted by Odenssi96 t3_123d1zl in gaming

Im currently experiencing a gamers block. Like i cant seem to enjoy anygame. Ive bought alot of games that i want to play. But i cant really seem to focus for more than 15min.

Like i cant seem to enjoy them.

I used to play Dota 2 for 8 years straight and i wonder can i have some kind of burn out from that? Ive tried for a year to start enjoy more singleplayer games but for some reason i cant seem to be concentrated for longer than 15 min. I really enjoyed Dark souls 1,2,3 and is pretty much the only games ive managed to play to end.

Anyone else have similiar issues?



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DireGuineaPig t1_jdu7ugy wrote

I've been having the same problem lately. My advice: don't force yourself to play games if you aren't enjoying them. You might even need to take a break from gaming completely for a bit, and do something else until the motivation returns.


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdu8za0 wrote

Yea i do agree. I just feel obligated to use my pc since ive spend so much money on it. But i think i was more in a high of fufilling a childhood dream.

I should probably try to not force myself to game.


_itsmeteo t1_jdulbda wrote

Can I ask how old are you? Do you work?

I play games since I was 9/10 years old. I noticed a while ago, as I started working a 9-6pm job and working out at the gym that i'm not as "emotional available" to playing games as I was before.

It's normal to be stressed and tired and because of that you can't focus like before. But i'm still stubborn enough and I still game at the end of the day :)

Could be just a phase


Odenssi96 OP t1_jduob4y wrote

Im 27. I kinda feel this might be it. Which is kinda sad in a way. I hope its a phase !


_itsmeteo t1_jduox9u wrote

I'm almost 27 but I think what influences the most is your day to day life, if you work, if you spend your day outside the house, if you're tired at the end of the day, family problems, etc. Because you can be 27 and still have that college life eheh

I forgot to say that I play RPG's which require more attention and focus because of the story. I also like to feel immersed in the game world which is more difficult if I'm feeling tired or anxious. When I'm in one of those "worst" phases I usually play lighter games like play fifa or nba 2k.


rooftops t1_jdwkcws wrote

28 and mood. Part of me thinks I'm just tired of sitting at a computer, which sucks because I'm trying to career shift into a remote work field lol. I found playing controller games through my TV on the couch hits a bit different though if you have the layout for it.

As others have said, taking a break is fine too. You're not obligated to use your PC and frankly it'll probably last you 5+ years anyway so you've got plenty of time to enjoy it :) stretch your legs, touch grass, make a snack, read a book, give yourself a week off and see if anything calls to you.

And talk to your therapist, you know you've been neglecting to 😤


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdwosx4 wrote

This was quite real homie stuff. I should maybe see a therapist in general.


rooftops t1_jdwsucr wrote

Do as I say, not as I do(n't) xd re: also get that ADHD medicated.

Not to be too real but imo we're just in a weird crux between the freedom of youth and the burden of responsibility. Things will hit different or not at all sometimes. I think the feeling will come around again though, some game will hook you right back in :P


ernoniemous t1_jdu87ef wrote

pick up something different, maybe adobe photoshop, blender or even programming, it helpsss


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdu8mp3 wrote

Well the funny thing is thats literally my work 😄


ernoniemous t1_jdu8rk8 wrote

I'm your boss, get back to work rookie


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdu9azt wrote

Hey boss. I will soon. Just got to be in redit for few hours.


ConceptualizedPotato t1_jdu787s wrote

Shortened attention spam.
Try playing some game that doesn't enforce minute-to-minute engagement


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdu8vw9 wrote

I think so. I used to play alot of rts games when younger and could sit and play for hours on end. But now i kinda cant. I wonder what is the reason for this development of short attention span.


DoBiits t1_jduwekr wrote

Facebook shorts, tiktok, instagram, All of them are like what 10 seconds to 2 minute videos? ive noticed it, my attention span aswell as all my mates have gone shot because of that lmao ^^. Im 25, and starting to feel the same as OP, a few of my mates have taken a couple months off from it now, Still its the only thing that allows me to relax and get away from reality.


Odenssi96 OP t1_jduxsqa wrote

I think its alot to do with exactly seeing just shorts etc. Should try to exercise concentration more.


DoBiits t1_jdv47np wrote

Been staring at my orange juice carton as its said concentrate but what now?


theonlyone38 t1_jdu7q40 wrote

You need to just let loose a little and have a few games on rotation. Don't lock in and force yourself to play.


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdu910t wrote

Yea i should do that. But i tend to get hyperfixated on a game and just play it until its finnished.


Nikki_scott01 t1_jdueosp wrote

Step away, enjoy life and come back when you feel like it.

You need to stop making video games your "main thing" in life if you want to have a happy one.


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdup6gl wrote

I quess thats true. But games been my life for over 20years. So it kinda feels like my personality.


DoBiits t1_jduwkjq wrote

dont be saying gaming wont make someone happy in life just because it doesnt for you. Especially in a gaming sub cmon man


Ouchsplat t1_jdu83ar wrote

Been going through the same thing lately 😕


BlockOutVibes t1_jdum0kg wrote

Same, it feels like games dont bring that much pleasure and fun anymore.

i play random stuff like eversoul on bluestacks just to still play "something", but anything new that's a singleplayer proper game i try just doesn't click and i end up quitting after like a few days...


Odenssi96 OP t1_jduo8hp wrote

This. Its kinda sad


BlockOutVibes t1_jdzdqlu wrote

I wonder if i should just take a break from any gaming and see if i feel like playing something after a year or so maybe?


Korasa t1_jduugol wrote

Do a check in with yourself and make sure you're good in the head.

Last time I had this was because I was in a bit of a depressive period that just wouldn't quit, so it sapped the joy out of my hobbies.

Hopefully it isn't that, and this will just correct in time. But good to be aware of your own mental beats and ticks.


Odenssi96 OP t1_jduxx0s wrote

This can be possible in my case. Have had few griefing situations during the last 1 1/2 year.


tilcica t1_jdu7ao4 wrote

since it seems you like open world games, maybe try witcher 3, skyrim, fallout


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdu8svk wrote

I have acctually tried Skyrim and it was okay. Not my cup of tea though. I recently started Elden ring which i was so hype for but cant get in to it. Also i love the challange it brings but i feel to exhausted to focus/concentrate.


tilcica t1_jduc0lg wrote

maybe witcher might be a good middle ground between skyrim which is mostly exploring and elden ring which is mostly combat


PapaProto t1_jduh1g6 wrote

Is there a big game coming along the horizon relatively soon or generally this year that you’re excited about?

That’s what happens to me.


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdup1oo wrote

Well tbh all the big games for me has arrived. Being Elden ring one of them & also Sekiro was one. But i cant manage to suck myself in to the games. Get distracted & unmotivated quickly


PapaProto t1_jdus8a0 wrote

Hmm… then perhaps it is gaming as a whole rather than feeling burned out of what you currently have.

Step away for a while. Focus on other interests and I’m sure the itch will return after some time.


Emperor-Universe t1_jdukqpq wrote

Try tabletop games to change things up. As in stuff with board/cards instead of a screen. If you can't find people to play with they make stuff with singleplayer options these days. Like for example I was in a similar situation recently and decided to try the "old fashioned" ways just to have a break from the screen. Felt pretty good and doing it and even started to get more interested in video games again after the break. Check out your local gamestores or online, maybe google to see what's soloable.


Odenssi96 OP t1_jduouwg wrote

Thanks! Great idea! I used to love Warhammers & made my own tabletop games with own rules as a kid. So this could be fun.


bedlam90 t1_jduon4l wrote

I've been like this for years try some linear story based game, open world games now overwhelm me because I don't have the time to play them properly. Open world used to be my favourite but I just can't seem to get into them now. I just started resident evil 2 again and I'm loving it, hour here hour there it's enjoyable and scary with headphones on lol

Also try audio books I find them just as enjoyable as games now, I listen them on my way to work and at work and sometimes in bed lol. Some are awesome


FedererFan20 t1_jdusdkq wrote

That happens. I usually take extended breaks from gaming every once in a while.


xanap t1_jdutsvg wrote

Playing addictive games like Dota, PoE and similar for a long time can do that for you.

If you can't be intrigued by the little things in a new game and your brain just sits there waiting for a trigger.

What works for me usually is a complete change of pace for a little while, stellaris, civ or old homm games for example. Maybe run a show on the side. You may have to look what works for you.

Alternatively, just let it rest for a while and search for other activities. Great games will still be good later.


Odenssi96 OP t1_jduy608 wrote

HOMM is one of the games i still love but cant really find the time to play for 2-3h anymore. Feels to slow so i quess you might be right about getting used to very action based games so slow games are harder for me to concentrate in. Since playing dota im extremly active constantly.


geekfreak41 t1_jdvr6b8 wrote

I can sometimes feel similar for some time about video games. I also really enjoy gaming and sometimes switch to focus on tabletop games (board games, D&D, wargames, CCGs, etc). It can get you to meet new people and be a bit more social and definitely scratches some similar itches. Board games have come a LONG way from monopoly and risk. Many, in my opinion, can provide wonderfully rich experiences. I can give several recommendations but is a wonderful resource if you are trying to get into the hobby.


Tergrids_lantern t1_jdw11r6 wrote

So, I've intermittently found myself in the same situation. As others have said, maybe an alternative use of your time till the spark returns, but I can also speak to the effectiveness of a sort of comfort game(example, I keep coming back to terraria over the years) something that even if you're not feeling it seems to draw you in time and again. If that's not something you have, that's OK too! Best of luck on finding something new and exciting!


Epiqur t1_jdu7sd7 wrote

It's all ok. Don't force yourself to enjoy gaming if you got tired of it. Try other hobbies: ttrpgs, sports, etc...


fkcd t1_jduaraw wrote

Sounds like you need some friends to play with


Odenssi96 OP t1_jdup3vc wrote

My only friends that play games are people who plays dota2 & im kinda done with mobas.


HumpSlackWails t1_jdupbcb wrote

How much do you play per day on average? Maybe... do something else for a bit? Good chance to learn a new skill or hobby.


Badfishfrog2 t1_jduqoz6 wrote

have you thought of playing old games? like ones from xbox 360 ps2 etc? I have a whole bunch of old 360 games that I love and still play today


FearRox t1_jduwtry wrote

i got myself the xbox gamepass (1 euro for first month) and just tried a bunch of games i would not have bought and it sparked my gaming flame again.

how often have i been sitting on a (rare) free weekend with time for just myself just thinking: now is the prime time to play some games! but couldnt play longer than like 1 hour before kinda gettin bored.

turns out i just needed a good game, have installed hollow knight to give it a try and clocked in 14 hours first day. after that played both ori games, also amazing. then dibbled around with some card and strategy games but didnt finish any of those, but since i didnt pay for them i had no problems just dropping and installing a new game.


silver2k5 t1_jdv3hre wrote

Don't play games and get a new hobby instead. Games will still be there if you decide to learn to paint, play an instrument, or start working out. Then, when you get the itch you will enjoy them again.


ISAV_WaffleMasta t1_jdvffgh wrote

Just sit in a lobby and listen to everyone. You'll want to play a game to get away from the stupidity


Iffykindofguy t1_jdvigap wrote

Go try a new hobby. You can always come back to gaming.