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[deleted] t1_jeax4jb wrote



Don_Bugen t1_jeba0u1 wrote

Every downvote is a level-headed adult saying, "what the hell did I just read?"

This isn't a Nintendo subreddit, this is a gaming subreddit, and you're throwing a tantrum. If you don't like it, don't buy it.


[deleted] t1_jebbfsn wrote



Don_Bugen t1_jedo7r2 wrote

I didn’t ask because I don’t care. I mean, I assumed you didn’t own a Switch because you’re throwing a temper tantrum that a six-year-old tablet isn’t in 4K. That implies you’re smart enough to do the research (because you can form words and sentences together), yet dumb enough to not understand the amount of power required to run true 4K, and that a Switch that could do 4K would be another generation (like what Steam Deck is).

The fact that you said you’re not buying “another” Switch kinda makes you look worse, TBH. Like, you didn’t even bother to look it up before you bought it. What did you think you were buying? A toaster?

No, one person’s point of view isn’t another person’s tantrum. A point of view isn’t giant run-on sentences with a mock question/answer followed by a blind insult to every person who might downvote them. A point of view is, “I hate that they come out with consoles that have special designs themed towards games; they should only be releasing the base Switch until they go next gen. Also, their ports of Wii U games suck.” See the difference?

Lastly, the reason I bring up “Nintendo subreddit” versus “gaming subreddit” is because of your “Insult everyone who downvotes me” schtick. A Nintendo sub might downvote-bomb someone for having a valid negative opinion about Nintendo, but a gaming subreddit is diverse. Plenty of people don’t like Nintendo, but for level-headed, thought out reasons. They’ll downvote you if you’re acting crazy, being an asshole, or just dead wrong.


Myslinky t1_jedjrnq wrote

> Every downvote is a bamboozled Nintendo user playing 13 year old games on your 'New' 6 year old console.

I don't even have a Nintendo, just downvoting you because you sound like a dick.

Nintendo is the only company for Zelda, Mario, Metroid and such. If people enjoy the product they get for the money they pay, then who cares if the tech isn't the top of the line highest end specs possible?

Who are you to tell people what they should enjoy and what they should spend their money on?