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WindUpShoe t1_iufpjay wrote

Hmm... I'm always cautious about these comparisons because they can be misleading. Still, it does feel like they put down a little more of a story for the old games, even if it's just to fill up the manual.

The newer games almost become philosophical in terms of story, because they're so barebones. The princess is kidnapped by bowser, because that is their nature. Peach's nature is to be kidnapped, Bowser's nature is to do the kidnapping. It's no different than the rain falling or the wind blowing.

Not that these games have ever needed too much of a story, but as I grow older, I do appreciate the effort.


MrConductorsAshes t1_iui8ene wrote

>Still, it does feel like they put down a little more of a story for the old games, even if it's just to fill up the manual.

The manuals had extra lore for sure, even about many specific characters. All the stuff in OPs post about SM3 and SMWorld however was told through "cutscenes".


Chase_Omega OP t1_iufstts wrote

no game really "needs" story, mario or otherwise.

but it's just nice to have, isn't it?


DirtyReseller t1_iufwnr3 wrote

Some games absolutely NEED story, Mario is probably one of the farthest from needing it.


Chase_Omega OP t1_iug3e2d wrote

i cant agree.

to me, story is just a bonus to contextualize fun gameplay.

of course stories are great, but gameplay matters the most.

if you have a good story but bad gameplay, nobodys gonna care about the story anyway. just look at sonic and the secret rings, good plot but nobody cares about it cuz theyre too busy being mad that the controls are bad and the missions are annoying.


Steffykrist t1_iug2azp wrote

Honestly, I most likely wouldn't play a game if there was no story whatsoever. I mostly play games to experience the story. Gameplay is just what I have to deal with to get through the story.


Chase_Omega OP t1_iug3bna wrote

its not that the story even needs to be super detailed or complex. just anything thats even 0.00001% more than "bowser kidnaps peach" would be perfectly fine. thats what super mario odyssey and paper mario 1 did, and everyone loves those games.


Steffykrist t1_iug4hfy wrote

I'm perfectly happy with something as simple as the old Sonic games, like, 'Robotnik is back and kidnapping animals again, go fuck up his shit'. As long as there's at least a nugget of a story that explains why I'm there, what I should do, and what my motivation is.