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Ralle4 t1_iuk9r9o wrote

Yeah, a lot of people simply play because they want to escape from life, and many of those people are sad, depressed, distraught and angry. So most of these people can't think straight, added onto their mental state, they're going to be aggressive and negative towards others.

There's no fix to this problem, you can discuss it all you want, but you'll never arrive at a solution you're truly content with. All you can do is either ignore it, circumvent it or try and foolishly solve it.

There's been countless articles, tweets, Reddit posts and etc, discussing the negativity in video games... But to what end? What's your damn goal? Do you want a solution or do you want to just endlessly complain? Is there even a solution? I bet not, so why are we even here?

All I see in this thread is "they're just pathetic incels that's never talked to a girl before" ...okay? How are you any better when you say shit like this? Just stop.

But I guess for as long as video games exist, this topic will never cease.


Cjmate22 t1_iukantp wrote

So, playing video games means your depressed? I’ll give you a couple of reasons that are a lot more likely: The game has an interesting story, The gameplay is very fun, They could make money, They have time to waste, They are a game tester/dev.

While I’m not saying your wrong, I’m saying your being too generalistic. I mean, depressed people drink water, is drinking water a sign of being depressed? As well those “he’s just an incel” quotes are likely from people who haven’t had a 5 minute conversation with men because they had a bad experience with one and type cast everyone as it. Ironically an issue OP was taking about.