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newbieplaya1 t1_iuj4bvf wrote

Warcraft 3 reforged was the worst ever released game


oliferro t1_iuj7sbz wrote

I mean it didn't cost me anything to play Overwatch 2 and I have a ton of fun playing it with my friends


Lopogoesmega t1_iujezfs wrote

Diablo Immortal ist also very Bad from a customer perspective


FryD42 t1_iuj3vwm wrote



Eastbound_Stumptown t1_iuj7lb0 wrote

You do you, but MW2 is great.


stitch-is-dope t1_iuj8s96 wrote

It’s a $70 downgrade from MW2019


Eastbound_Stumptown t1_iuj9brf wrote

Meh. To each their own. It’s a lot bigger at launch than MW19 was. Gameplay is less campy because of what they’ve done with perks. And with two years of support it’s going to be the best value for $70 we’ve ever seen in a CoD game.


SweatyPainting6398 t1_iujeryv wrote

The game is still heavily catered towards campers and casuals though, in some ways more than mw 2019.


stitch-is-dope t1_iujgj4c wrote

I’d say more considering they removed stuff like slide cancelling, less people will be as run and gun and instead will be just sitting in corners or slower paced


stitch-is-dope t1_iujgfu9 wrote

$70 but will have battle passes, micro transactions and all sorts of other bullshit

Less campy? I don’t think so dude, if you ask me when I played it for a bit before refunding, it felt even more campy and slow paced and people just hiding in corners.

It felt like dogshit compared to MW2019 somehow and smooth brained gameplay


Eastbound_Stumptown t1_iujhe8t wrote

Cosmetics, sure - like always. They’re entirely optional. So are the Battle Passes. Everything of substance - all weapons and maps - are still included in the base price. I don’t understand people raising a fuss about that sort of thing.

Maybe it’s more campy at lower skill levels? I honestly haven’t seen much of it (outside of Santa Seña - that map is a dumpster fire and I have experienced shotgun corner campers there) - between constant UAVs and drill charges, camping is basically a death sentence.

MW19 was ridiculously campy and there wasn’t much you could do about it. Backlot, Suldal Harbor, Piccadilly…too many rooms with one way in (and that way in has a door) and claymores everywhere.

Like I said, to each their own, but it’s one of the better CoDs we’ve had in a while.


stitch-is-dope t1_iuji30p wrote

Because once upon a time in games like Halo 3 or older call of duties, you could actually unlock the cool cosmetics instead of being a who’s the biggest dumbass with their debit card competition


Eastbound_Stumptown t1_iujiumo wrote

Yup. A decade ago. When map packs set you back $15 each and made the total cost to actually get all the content $120. And there were still loot boxes starting at BlOps2 on top of that. Now you get (in the case of MW2) two years of support, maps, guns, etc. for $70 and if you want cosmetic bullshit, you can buy it (and know what you’re buying when you do - no loot boxes) but it’s still all cosmetic. And let’s be honest - most of those free cosmetics that you could unlock were crap anyway. One more variation on the dozens of camos already available.


Deep9one t1_iuk3n24 wrote

This has become the normal standard now, every company that is "aaa", see big studios with lots of funding, release unpolished turds, they dont give a shit.

There are millions of idiots out there willing to buy these pieces of shit that are unfinished, they havent learnt anything from the past decade or they just carry on blissfully oblivious to the obvious.

Stop being so vested in these big studios who have proven they dont give a fucking shit, and spend your money and invest your passion elsewhere like in indie studios who make polished products that work, which dont cost you $80.


IllKissYourBoobies t1_iuj4qwl wrote

Well, they rake in millions because people buy this shit.

Blame the people.


UFCFan918 t1_iuj5i79 wrote

How are consumers supposed to know the games will be unfinished on release?

We give the company 100% of the money to provide us with 100% of the product.

While in reality, we give them 100% of our money and they give us 25% of the product while charging us for the other 75% and its still broken after reselling it to us.


DistancePure5431 t1_iuj63ru wrote

I mean to be fair, this isn’t new behavior. I haven’t bought a call of duty game since ghosts, or a halo game since 4, or any Ubisoft game since AC3, due to these types of issues. All 3 are now notorious for releasing half baked, bug filled, micro-transaction promoting garbage. Just stop buying products from shitty companies. If enough people do, they’ll have to go back into “winning-the-market” mode, where they actually give a shit.


Scoobydewdoo t1_iujgwvz wrote

>How are consumers supposed to know the games will be unfinished on release?

Reviews, and doing your own research.


goatjugsoup t1_iuj9l25 wrote

Theres an easy way to find out and thats to not preorder on buy on launch day if in doubt


Hudds83 t1_iujaazc wrote

Don't buy the games on release. Wait for reviews.

I haven't bought a game within 6 months of release for over 7 years


imjustamazing t1_iuj6p9d wrote

You don't. You take this risk with many other products and services as well. Sometimes you get burned, and that's life.

The best thing you can do is trust a company's reputation. And let's just say that Activision hasn't given me any reason to trust them for the past 10-15 years. Why people still do so, I have no idea. If you enjoy their games, then more power to you. If you find yourself complaining constantly about their releases, then perhaps you should reevaluate your spending choices.


IllKissYourBoobies t1_iuj7pim wrote

Maybe wait to buy it so that one can read the reviews...?

There are tons of reviews out for both games now. Anyone who chooses to buy them now is making an informed choice.


zgrizz t1_iuj524p wrote

::yawn:: written by someone who would be stomping feet and raising hell at the inexcusable delays if it wasn't released.

Blizz knows it cant win, so it stopped caring.


UFCFan918 t1_iuj5p09 wrote

What are you talking about?

I'm all for delays, delay the shit until its worth my money.