Submitted by TheLooseFisherman t3_yhoano in gaming

Hey guys, I need some help with dual monitor setup.

I'll be using my new build for gaming and productivity. I'm going with a dual monitor setup, but I'm not sure if I should go 1x 1080p 24" for gaming and 1x 1440p 27" for productivity. OR go dual monitor but with 2x the exact same monitor, you know to get colours and all that on the same level..

Here's 4 possibilities:

1: 2x 1080p 24" 240hz monitor

2: 2x 1440p 27" 240hz monitor (very pricey...)

3: 1x 1080p 24" 240hz and 1x 1440p 27" 60hz (2 different panels might give different colours ☹️)

4: 1x 1080p 24" 240hz and 1x 1080p 24" 60hz (cheapest setup but still 2 different panels..)

What do you guys think?



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bakagir t1_iuetz5m wrote

I use a 31" 1440p 165hz and a 27" 1080p 60hz. Love my setup


iXenite t1_iueu55w wrote

Getting two of the same monitor is the way to go. So either option 1 or 2. That’s up to you and your budget. That and your PC. If your PC can’t drive 1440p then maybe get two 1080p monitors. Especially if you’re looking to get 240hz monitors, it would be a shame to never reach that number.


TheLooseFisherman OP t1_iueufqq wrote

I'm getting a 13900k with a 3090 since I'm doing some heavy rendering and video editing, I need it to be speedy. So I will be able to push the frames. I'm just really bothered by the monitor-dilemma.. it's hard! ><


CTRL1 t1_iuewhcr wrote

Mixing resolutions is a massive mistake. 1080p is gone a long time qgo. Dual 1440p is really now the office and home standard for about 5 years now.


6363tagoshi t1_iuex9u5 wrote

1x 1440p 165hz and 1x 1080p 60hz IPS.


TheLooseFisherman OP t1_iueykfs wrote

Yeah, but what if the pc I need was about the limit of the resources I have? Lol, dual 27"1440p 240hz monitors would set me back 800€

Dual 1080p would be half of that.. I'm very conflicted, do I need 2x 27" screens? Or is 1080p not enough for productivity.. It's hard lol.


TheLooseFisherman OP t1_iueyu5p wrote

Well 1080p is still the standard for competitive gaming. I agree that ppl might want bigger and "better" but the best gaming monitors (objectively, when you look at specs) are still 24" 1080p monitors.


TheLooseFisherman OP t1_iuez42b wrote

1440p 165hz costs as much as a 1440p 240hz display, and the 240hz has better colours for productive use even.. I've spent hours on picking the monitors, now it's just a matter of which combination.


CTRL1 t1_iuezlew wrote

So you should get a 1080p monitor to be like .1 percent of people who still use them for a high level competitive advantage by lowering settings and creating a smaller perifery on csgo or instead comfortable and have no real disadvantages?

People play retro games on tube television too. And it makes sense but their main setup isn't a crt monitor.

Let's also not forget that technology has surpassed 1080p such as the ability to drive graphics.


BlueMikeStu t1_iuf2w0e wrote

IMO the best setup would be the 27" for the main, and a 24" on a rotatable stand so it can be vertical instead of horizontal.


u--s--e--r t1_iugq4uh wrote

I can't imagine actually spending money on a 24" 1080p monitor for anything but a super budget build, unless your #1 use for it was becoming a pro cs go player or something.
Especially for productivity stuff.

Your PC won't have any trouble with more/higher res screens, my PC is worse (3900X + 3080) and I'm using 2x 27" 1440p monitors and a 28" 4k. I'm seriously considering swapping the second 1440p monitor for another 28" 4k.

Personally I'd say get one monitor that focuses on gaming and another that focuses on colour, but two of the same is fine as well if you thing you'd get annoyed at differences in colour, I do find this slightly annoying with 3 different monitors but not a big deal.