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jeremy-o t1_iuciena wrote

I mean I don't blame them for posting, it's exciting. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a little external motivation on the upvotes though... 🧟


Fritzkreig t1_iucii12 wrote

I'd post a pic of a new kitten I got, and millions of people get those everyday!


Reda-rt t1_iucirb1 wrote

People post everything everytime. And getting a ps5 gets you excited since it's rare AF No surprise here


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iucj8kv wrote

Yeah so lets see the extremely enormous amount of people who still get one post here! /s

Just saying if every prick who got a PS5 posted about getting one, r/gaming would be 99% pictures of PS5s instead of like 30% PS5s


MrCoffeeBean4568 t1_iucj8y5 wrote

Literally just refreshed new and there's a post with someone getting a PS5 lol.


TwistedScarletRose t1_iucjbza wrote

They post the pictures as a form of, "bwahaha, look what I have that you don't have!"

Bait, and from the looks of it, you seem triggered.

You took the bait.


ScottCraigDempsey t1_iucje4i wrote

Because their excited and so happy and it's nice to see.


Broseph_Bobby t1_iucjhla wrote

I don’t get why people are doing this still.

I have see cases full of these things all the time for the last 2 months.


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iucjjab wrote

Like months ago when it was super rare it was sort of interesting to see people start getting them. Now it's just getting annoying. Sony is producing alot more now, TONS of people are rapidly getting them. It's time for people to stop posting about getting one, it's not rare anymore.


-cel3stial- t1_iucjlqr wrote

bc they’re still not the easiest to get and ppl are excited about their new purchase? u also say no one cares but you’ve gone out ur way to make a whole post about it..


ThorIsMighty t1_iucjpau wrote

Ah man I missed out on that karma farm! Let me go home, pack up my PS5 and take a picture to show you all. You'll all be so impressed


voodoovan t1_iucjv71 wrote

Someone didn't take their meds today 😂


Up_and_away86 t1_iucjyv8 wrote

It's quite an achievement for some people. Judging by this post and your post history I imagine it doesn't seem like much to you because mum and dad still support their brave internet boy regularly.


-cel3stial- t1_iuck0l1 wrote

mhm. also u realise this sub is for anything gaming related, including hardware and even tabletop games so they’re literally doing what the sub is meant for. to me it just seems u care too much when u could just ignore the posts, it’s not a big deal at all


R_U_Kiddin_ t1_iuck70j wrote

Awwww someone still not got theirs? Bless.


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iuckbld wrote

What? I'm 32 and still have an xbox one... even if a PS5 was available near me I could not afford the $500 price tag. Honestly it's almost more annoying to see it posted because at this point price is one of the biggest barriers to get a PS5. Or maybe it's not to a lil rich boy like yourself??


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iuckewa wrote

More than 50% of the posts from r/gaming in my feed are just pictures of PS5s. I would love to see posts about actual gaming

Edit: I literally cannot ignore them, that's my whole fucking point lmao. They are being shoved down my throat


ewbbod t1_iuckr00 wrote

It's the rite of passage for all ps5 owners dontcha know? You own one you'll be doing the same...the urge just grips you, just powerless to avoid


ewbbod t1_iucl6fg wrote

Yeah it's been that way for awhile now don't see the plague slowing down anytime soon. And idfc what anybody says their all vane asf, there's no need lol...but then again they can't help it.

I'm telling you man your hands will have a mind of its own once you purchase it your fate is sealed lol...I was like you a little while changes a man


Secure_Area_8393 t1_iuclat5 wrote

It's fun seeing people excited for the things they love. You agree I'm sure. You'll have ur next shiney thing to show off soon


kamgc t1_iuclqob wrote

Because it’s a gaming subreddit and getting a PS5 is a pretty exciting thing to the person who just got it.


Joubachi t1_iuclqss wrote

In my opinion mix between showing off and karma farming. It's nothing special at all, there's no real need to show it around on social media. I'd get being proud around friends, but on Reddit it just gets a weird "look at me" or even "I'm better" undertone for me.


kamgc t1_iuclsqz wrote

I mean - I haven’t seen anyone in recent memory get any actual upvotes lol. Most of them are at 0, meaning they got more downvotes than upvotes. And they usually get <20 comments lol


TheDreamLightDude t1_iucm36j wrote

Because they're difficult to find in MANY countries. Let them just have their moment.


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iucm98n wrote

Agreed, when my friend told me they finally were getting one I was happy for them. Months ago when people started posting about them being available from non-scalpers it was exciting, now it feels like karma farming, or so normalized that people think they are supposed to post here when they get one. Post me a picture of something you did in your first game on the PS5, not just a stupid picture of the damn thing!


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iucmcvo wrote

Realized a middle ground. I wish people would post a cool/fun picture of something non-spoiler in the first game they are playing on their new PS5, then at least it could be something unique!


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iucmi4w wrote

No. Lol

But really thousands are acquired every day, if everyone had and posted "their moment" then this thread truly would be 90% pictures of PS5's.

Wish they would just post a fun screenshot from their first game on PS5 and keep it a little unique.


Up_and_away86 t1_iucmm3a wrote

I am on a pretty good salary but I don't play console, but you've brought yourself to the point I was making which is good at least. Having enough money to purchase one is an achievement to a lot of people, which is more than fair enough.


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iucna1v wrote

Not as boring as a picture of a PS5 lol, fucking dolt.

Gotta love that you think screenshots of games are more boring than a picture of a PS5. And I'm the bore?

You're such a bore it's unreal 😆

You're defending the most boring posts of reddit, fucking idiot


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iucnm6r wrote

I just miss when r/gaming was gaming posts, getting ready to leave the community since it is almost all just pictures of PS5s now. Actually, gonna leave it right now. There is no point in it anymore, it is just PS5s lol


Joubachi t1_iucnqty wrote

Well for friends I'd be happy no matter how much time has passed, simply because they are my friends - but on here it seems like attention seeking at that point because why showing that to strangers. Google says 21.4 million copies have been sold, and to me it actually seems exactly that normal. At that point it doesn't just seem to be the rarity, but to be able to afford it that makes it like flexing for me.


wendysnatch t1_iucooas wrote

most are from bot accounts and it is an indirect way sony is marketing them.


-cel3stial- t1_iucppck wrote

i’ve seen more ads than ps5s in this sub the past week, and if it’s that upsetting to u that ppl post a gaming related purchase to a gaming sub don’t browse it for a while then. there are quite easy work arounds to not seeing the ps5 posts you’d just rather get upset over them instead


Turd-FergusonV t1_iucyvw6 wrote

Do you get angry over stupid shit like this all the time? I’m assuming that the ps5 has been out for 2 years and people still can’t get 1. So when they do they get a little excited maybe even dare say “fired up”. So please just STFU and post video game ffs Karen!


odeyssey87 t1_iud1lgo wrote

I mean showing it off now is lame but you bet your ass I posted my PS5 For xmas 2020 da fuk


young-fool t1_iud8p87 wrote

Because they have wanted one for a long time i guess.


Waste-Reception5297 t1_iudl7j6 wrote

New console is exciting for people. Do I like seeing PS5s daily on the sub? No but am I gonna get mad at someone for having a good time and being excited? No, be excited God dammit because life is too short not to be


OutlandishnessOld958 t1_iudm5r4 wrote

How about the fact that Sony keeps sending me emails about how I am eligible to buy a PS5 from them. It's like I'm supposed to be honored or something. You want to impress me tell me I've won one!


L3tUs3atCak3 t1_iue9xpx wrote

It being exciting for them doesn't mean it's something we need to know about. I legit don't know what I'm meant to do with dozens of pictures of PS5s or their boxes.


L3tUs3atCak3 t1_iuedd9u wrote

You're the one who said you find this difficult. I didn't complain about anything. I said I'm not sure what I'm meant to do with this information about a stranger and their PS5.


LowerMine6243 t1_iueruap wrote

Eh, many reasons. It could be within a spectrum of someone who is genuinely excited, to someone chasing clout, to just someone who doesn’t do much social/Reddit not knowing that it’s already flooded with images of ps5 buys. Definitely just a harmless “scroll past it” kind of thing.


Error1x1 t1_iuh39p6 wrote

They are confused between Reddit and Facebook


EatinSumGrapes OP t1_iuiiloe wrote

That made me laugh then made me sad cause now I'm thinking that they have no friends to show it to so they have to show it to reddit. Okay fine if that's the case then they should post away lol