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Skennedy31 t1_iugmjha wrote

It's my escape from the daily grind. For that time, I'm not thinking about the stressors in my life, I'm in another world and enveloped in that character.

Without it, I'd surely suffer from serious depression and stress related illness


Xbux89 t1_iugnjhq wrote

It was there for me during my years of depression and still here for me in my happiness


ScottCraigDempsey t1_iugnh8t wrote

Distracts you from a world which is filled with such pain and misery and takes you to place where you have a chance to make it better.


kawaiguy3 t1_iugns6p wrote

It's a way to relax. I especially appreciate it these days. Also a cheap hobby relative to other hobbies.


YourLocalSnitch t1_iugnt9o wrote

Its the easiest way for me to be competitive against other people


kenlasalle t1_iugw9y1 wrote

When I was 7 years old, my family was very poor. We couldn't afford much.

That was the year Pong came out. And I scraped for a single quarter. Didn't often get one. I watched a lot more than I played. That's how arcades were for a poor kid.

Then, the Atari 2600 came out (though it wasn't called that to start). I couldn't afford one, knew a bunch of people who had one, so I saved every penny for literally years so I could purchase a used Intellivision. My friends and I shared cartridges and played all we could.

As the years passed and I matured and made more money, I was able to play through all of the generations going from a SNES to a Genesis to the next and the next. I had a PS1, a Dreamcast, an Xbox, a WII, a PS3, a Switch, until my present system, a Series X.

Video games have been a huge part of my life. And now, as I near 60, my abilities are falling off and I play slower games. But thanks to GamePass, I get to try a little of everything. I might not be good but I figure you don't have to be good at rides in an amusement park so I can goof off on whatever game I like.

I recently got addicted to Dysmantle, btw. It's cotton candy for the OCD brain.


Enkendu t1_iugmkj6 wrote

Because I'm a life where things sometimes extremely stressful, and impossible often, games are a fantastic escape to a place where I can do things I couldn't do otherwise... Also they're fun...


Zeshui0 t1_iugn4un wrote

Because it gives a bitter glimpse into what I can't have or achieve no matter how much I desperately desire it.

It's a constant reminder to always want more than the world offers you and to never settle for a depressing life. To work towards enjoying the smallest shred of what I'm able to carve off from those impossible dreams.


AC03115 t1_iugn933 wrote

It’s gotten me through some tough times and was all art of some of the earliest and most special memories in my life


mindshift42 t1_iugnyae wrote

Ya know, I've never really considered the actual gaming very special.

Now that you've asked though, really, it's the friendships I've made (and lost) that keep bringing me back.

Also, there have been a few periods of my life where I just watched tv/movies ALL the time. I figured, if I'm just gonna be sitting here, I might as well accomplish something. Thank you Soul Calibur 2, 3, and 4. I think I'll know those moves/combos for the rest of my natural life. lol

Great question!



Batknight23 OP t1_iugo264 wrote

Gaming has always held a special place in my heart, and has been one of the most consistent things in my life. From people leaving coming back in my life etc. wanted to see how others felt. Thanks for the reply, love to hear it!


godmeiyu t1_iugpmai wrote

Allows me to enter another world to get away from the struggles of life. It's really nice when you get to relax with a videogame after a long day.


Elegant_Spot_3486 t1_iugsw19 wrote

Helps me relax. I can play a game for any mood I’m in. I can engage my mind, mindlessly kill, roleplay whatever I want. Gaming is always there. An escape and lifelong hobby. I suck at most games but doesn’t stop my enjoyment. I tend to be an introvert so gaming also gives me comfort. I can play all night or 10 minutes in the afternoon or whatever my schedule allows.


Batknight23 OP t1_iuia1ai wrote

As an introvert I can relate. Gaming has made me many many friendships. Friendships I’ll cherish a lifetime.


echoess84 t1_iuhyabt wrote

In my case gaming is living great adventures who in real life it is impossible to have moreover I grew up with playing video games so gaming is a part of my life.


brian11e3 t1_iui9ptx wrote

In videogames I'm not a disabled person with crippling depression.


sukkiakansalle t1_iuk7cbk wrote

It was my escape from reality, now I’m having fun with my best friend I met 7 years ago and with my fiance I met almost 4 years ago and my brother who has became my best friend.


adityatarley t1_iugmm8x wrote

For me,it taught me a lot, first of all English is not my native language so it helped me get a grasp of it. Second: games like AC helped me understand history. Third: encouraged me to develop games and animate. 4th: it let’s you have a break from the rat race.


ShadowiesArt t1_iugmyr7 wrote

Been playing games since I was 2. I guess it gives me a feeling of comfort, even if I’m playing something scary or something that makes me angry. Plus I met my current partner of 7+ years in a game! It’s special to them and special to me🥹☺️


Batknight23 OP t1_iugn2kr wrote

That’s awesome. I too have been gaming since I was 2. Zelda 2: Link’s adventure on the NES was my first ever game!


ShadowiesArt t1_iugn7io wrote

That is so sweet!! What a great game to start out with! 😊😊