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Rnedwed t1_iudhvpi wrote

Super Mario 3


DanSanderman t1_iudwse8 wrote

Ocarina of Time. It captures everything that gaming would come to be, and it did it all at a time where that wasn't the expectation yet.


ZeroInspo t1_iudila3 wrote

For me it’s Bloodborne


SeneInSPAAACE t1_iudio5p wrote

Chrono Trigger?
Zak Mckraken and the Alien Mind Benders?

Absolutely no idea.


Xawfire t1_iudirbu wrote

MGS3 or FFX. Hollow knight, RDR2 and Persona 5 are close.


Axle_65 t1_iudim0k wrote

It’s really a matter of taste and “the number 1” changes all the time as new games come out frequently. Currently, for my taste, nothing beats Division 2 but I have many many many close seconds.

That said if I’m giving extra weight to nostalgia then I would say Super Mario World


XxElzer0xX t1_iudqh1n wrote

Super Mario bros (snes)


gharp468 t1_iuecsz1 wrote

The original four.hack series, sure it's Abit challenging but considering the story and world around it it's pretty worth it


young-fool t1_iuep3ip wrote

My personal pick would probably be either RDR2 or BF4. RDR2 is such an interesting take on the open world formula and BF4 is just so chaotic and entertaining even though i get absoluteley destroyed all the time.


TLJagger t1_iuepjld wrote

easy one

Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back


1dkz t1_iuezmx3 wrote

Ark survival is really good but not in public servers


wiki9514 t1_iufe03e wrote

To me, I think it's Persona 5 Royal, which should be the blueprint jrpg going forward.

For open worlds, San Andreas revolutionized how worlds work, but that can also be traced to OoT.

Fighting games, I dunno, Smash maybe? Some of the earlier Streetfighters?

For saving the gaming industry, Super Mario Bros 1?

What I'm getting at is this is too broad of a question. Every type of game has a good contender and it is based largely on the type of games you play and like. Fps's have Goldeneye and Doom which concreted the type of play even to modern CoD games. There is no easy answer here.


AverageFe_MaleFan t1_iufphba wrote

Chess, it's extremely old and extremely popular but doesn't have a sequel or remake


Ok-Ambition-9432 t1_iuggpy6 wrote

This is a completely subjective question. Someone may say balan Wonderworld, even though it's pretty much objectively one of the worst games of all time.


Questar18 t1_iudiuzc wrote

Thats an easy question, Half life alyx


LePoopScoop t1_iudo3lg wrote

Halo reach Doom eternal I'd say mgsv would be up here if they were allowed to finish the game


Toodistracted2pick1 t1_iudi321 wrote

It depends on each person’s personal taste but Uncharted 4 is straight up there at top 3 in terms of pure story telling and gameplay.
