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JhonWeak56 t1_iugjhvt wrote

If your casual gamer i would advise a xbox series S or X plus gamepass, gamepass is a subscription service by Microsoft which offers 100s of games for 12,99 a month it’s a great way to test a variety of game without breaking the bank, perfect for someone just getting back into gaming.


V_imaginary OP t1_iugjywu wrote

That sounds like a plausible starting plan. I read that the S is disc free but small memory, which is one of my concerns for it


JhonWeak56 t1_iugkcr7 wrote

Well depends on your expectations if you just want to dip a toes into water just as a casual thing the series S + gamepass is a cheap way to see if you still enjoy that hobby, if you’re more serious about it and can spare the extra bucks than go for the series X + gamepass you’ll get a better experience and more storage.