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Tr4c3gaming t1_iudg0rl wrote

Yeah, which i find funny because remember when everyone thought the series was gonna be meh because it looked nothing like the games.

And then people went like "y know the books exist right?"

I feel like what people want witcher to be are 3 distinct things. And people are not quite certain what direction is the correct one

I read and watched and played all of it and don't see much problems, sure i see the differences being massive but if you treat it as roughly different media albeit in the same universe it works out.


Realistic_Ad8138 t1_iudh2r1 wrote

Imo you can NEVER make a game the same way as a book, why? Because freewill, no player character is going to do the exact same thing the character of the book or show would do, close? Sure. But same thing no. Even if they follow the same story, the PC is going to do things differently.


Tr4c3gaming t1_iudhp5z wrote

Yeah exactly i am not complaining either

It is just this thing which always will cause a stir with people

Sometimes it is better to diverge from the story. Else you get this anime game problem... where the story ends up super stiff because it tries 1:1 to stay on the source... it is one of the reasons why anime games are so hit and miss if you think about it (apart from flawed gameplay concepts often)


Realistic_Ad8138 t1_iudifo0 wrote

Oh I was agreeing with you, I was going to go on about how it would be a mindless story if it was a 1:1 concept like that, and not very fun to play through because you don't have replayability imo