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Draiganedig t1_iui96px wrote

Is it? Why?

If gaming is someone's hobby and brings them joy, and they can't do that due to their occupation, why is it any different to changing jobs for any other imbalance in someone's work/home life?

I've quit jobs because I was unhappy, overworked, underappreciated, etc. To me, this is as good a reason as any of those. It's your life, you have to be happy in it.

Why on earth should ANYBODY remain in a job working primarily to make money for someone else, at a detriment to the only life they'll ever be blessed with?


juicemang762 t1_iuia9j7 wrote

Gee, I don't know. Maybe because your financial stability and future earning potential is more important than Call Of Duty Modern Warfare. Maybe upward professional growth and being able to provide for your family is a bigger positive impact on your life than being able to play minecraft for 6 hours a night as opposed to 2.

If video games are the standard to which you measure your life's worth and happiness, you're a fucking loser.


Draiganedig t1_iuibzpf wrote

Nobody said anything about quitting working altogether buddy. They mentioned changing jobs, which is 10000% a viable option if your current one doesn't allow you an adequate work-life balance. Changing jobs doesn't mean losing your income, it could mean maybe living closer to a place of work to save on time and fuel. Or working from home to allow for extra time savings and less time wasted commuting etc.

So how about you read and make sure you understand what's actually being said first before you come in here with your condescending, elitist bitch behaviour?


juicemang762 t1_iuie77m wrote

Shut the fuck up nerd. Your low expectation having ass is the late comer into this conversation. Not the other way around. I said changing jobs for the express purpose of playing video games is bad advice. Generally when you change jobs to something that is less demanding that typically comes with drawbacks, like loss of income, promotional potential, having to withdraw from a leadership position. Obviously if you can change jobs and still maintain everything you had before, that's not just good for your gaming time, that's a win in general. But that typically isn't the norm. So why don't walk your AKSHUALLY 🤓 ass out of my mentions.


Draiganedig t1_iuig28s wrote

Don't make your fragile ego my problem, limp dick :) We both know you read and understood it wrong and backtracked on yourself, considering you've literally now just echoed EXACTLY what my point was, about leaving jobs potentially having benefits to work-life balance. You've just got a hurt ego now so you're doubling down on it like a typical Reddit dweeb who acts tough behind a screen. I see you.

Real men admit when they're wrong, buddy. But luckily for us both, I don't need to waste time making you admit you're wrong when we both know it anyway. Have a good one bruh.


juicemang762 t1_iuih5mo wrote

AYY BRUH, why would you say something is a bad idea when there's a small chance that it won't be! Why you back tracking BRUH! IF HE WANTS TO GAME HE SHOULD GO FOR IT BRUH. What could go wrong!?


Draiganedig t1_iuiidio wrote

Ah, as I thought. Resorting to regressing into a thirteen year old COD player after being called out with no reply. Solid beta-male strategy there, friend.

Pro-tip for life: Shooting guns in your spare time doesn't automatically make you a strong or tough person, no matter how badly you really wish it did. Act like this to anyone in person (which you won't, obviously, because as we've established you're a bitch with a glass ego), and you'll have a bad time. You're welcome, I usually charge for that kind of life changing advice.


juicemang762 t1_iuijxab wrote

If you're going to give people 13 year old life advice, I'm going to speak to you in a way you'll understand.

Did you go through my profile to come up with something to try and insult me with? Jesus, you're so pathetic it hurts. 😂

There's absolutely no scenario in which I would ever willingly speak to you unless absolutely necessary in real life. All you're good for is taking my coffee order and little else.


Draiganedig t1_iuildyb wrote

You literally could not be better at cementing what I already thought of you, lmao! I called you an elitist bitch earlier, nice to see I was right about that too. This really is pretty easy.

You think you're better than people who take your coffee orders huh? I'd love to hear your reasoning behind that.


juicemang762 t1_iuin3wx wrote

You've shown you have nothing else to offer. Why would i waste my time proving something I already know to be true?


Draiganedig t1_iuinkan wrote

Don't change the subject, cunt. Tell us all why you're better than people serving coffee.


juicemang762 t1_iuint4b wrote

No, I'm better than you. I said all YOU'RE good for is taking my coffee order. I was very specific about who I was referring to.


Draiganedig t1_iuipcf3 wrote

Wait, are you trying to tell me that telling someone "All you're good for is taking my coffee order" isnt blatantly and purposefully disrespecting the job of serving coffee? You really are digging a grave for yourself here and solidifying yourself as a brainless, backtracking bitch. You've disrespected people throughout your entire tirade, and you're not man enough to admit your prejudices, nor admit when you're wrong.

We're done here, it's like talking to a fucking garden gnome.


juicemang762 t1_iuiudcn wrote

No, I'm trying to tell you it's a job suitable for low iq unimpressive people, such as yourself, because it requires very little cognitive function to perform. But unlike the majority of your coworkers at starbucks, that's the most useful you'll ever be. That is your ceiling and the only value you bring to society


Draiganedig t1_iujcd11 wrote

So you do look down on those working as baristas etc. Thanks for exposing yourself, even if you did it in a long-winded, convoluted way.

I won't give you the satisfaction of knowing what I actually do for a living, or what subjects my multiple degrees are in. I'm more than happy for you to continue thinking I serve people coffee all day, because there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.