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Chipdip88 t1_iu8vuw7 wrote

Yes, it is enjoyable.

Was it the second coming of Christ for the gaming community that people expected? No.

But it is fun, a decent game and worth a play through


electrikwiz4rd t1_iu8vxru wrote

Pc gamer here. It was worth day 1 imo. So i guess it is even better rn after all the updates.


griwulf t1_iu8vvry wrote

Asked for a thousand times already and the answer hasn't changed: Yes it is.


Cebrax93 t1_iu8zm5f wrote

Hell fucking yes I Currently playing it on PS5 with an new oled TV and it's just insane


retrospectology t1_iu9804i wrote

I've tried playing it several times, but every time I just get too annoyed by the clunky UI and constant clutter/noise. The combat is very simplistic/console-ish as well. It looks cool but the overall feel of the playing game just isn't very good.


n3m37h t1_iuaf6o4 wrote

its not bad, if ya like gta or games of the like it is worth it


LucozadeSportInAJar t1_iu8zw13 wrote

Gonna say a yes and no, the game advertises itself as an rpg and that's incredibly off, if you're going in expecting a good rpg then you're going to be incredibly disappointed, however as an action game I think its amazing, great main story, great gunplay and some interesting play styles


Tartarikamen t1_iu91bwl wrote

If you are looking for a Deus Ex level cyberpunk narrative, choice flexibility, and playstyle variety it would disappoint you. But if you are looking for a Far Cry style game with cyberpunk aesthetics this game is for you.


mighty1993 t1_iu91xqj wrote

As answered already a million times on this Subreddit: Yes. On PC since release, on modern consoles shortly after and on old consoles never. Would even say that it was even worth the full price because I liked the story, atmosphere and never had any bugs. Very rarely some weird graphical glitches but that is it.


Gastric__bypass t1_iu9kdu7 wrote

It’s my favorite game since the decade started


r4ndomalex t1_iua4q3l wrote

Yeah its a decent game, great story, great mechanics with a fair bit of content, if you do side quests and main story you'll get at least 60 hours out of it.


Andr-O-Mat t1_iubalcv wrote

Yes, best game I’ve ever played.


Outrageous_Arm_6860 t1_iud5c4e wrote

Only when Best Buy drops their price to 5 dollars quarterly. I can’t justify paying anything more. Only buy if on PC or PS5


[deleted] t1_iu8vzfx wrote

At this point, yes, very much so.


GrantMK2 t1_iu8xmvj wrote

On sale, probably. Don't expect the impactful choices the game presented itself as having outside of a couple times in the main story, and it's often shallow outside that main story, but beyond that it's a decent enough game.

Also PC means mods which, besides lots and lots of mods around boobs, means you can hopefully not have to deal with some of the game's BS (like arbitrary restrictions as to when you can get/equip gear).
