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BangEnergyCuresED t1_iubfgwz wrote

Do you not know what a reboot is


One-Boot6444 OP t1_iubfqef wrote

designers take elements from a previous game series and essentially start it over again. There are usually big changes to characters, settings, or the overall story

All I'm trying to say is, instead of changing half of the characters, they should've just picked from the '19MW or picked up from one of the others


All-Seeing_Hands t1_iubh2iu wrote

That's the entire point of a reboot. Same characters, different storyline.


One-Boot6444 OP t1_iubhcnc wrote

The main thing I'm trying to figure out is how General Shepard is alive and why doesn't he have an eye patch then


BrickBuster2552 t1_iubhisf wrote

It's not a sequel you dim bulb.


One-Boot6444 OP t1_iubi3hm wrote

So then must be a prequel then you marble brain


All-Seeing_Hands t1_iubiwv9 wrote

It's not a prequel, either.

Realistically, mw19 could've been considered a prequel since it's just Price and Gaz, but 1. It takes place in 2019, not before 2016. And 2. A completely different story was written for MW22. What you're thinking of is a remaster, where everything stays the same.


One-Boot6444 OP t1_iubjkzw wrote

It's like put some U.S soldiers in starwars. Why? Both deal with war so let's change the storyline and some characters. That's how I see it as


coolguy-714 t1_iuc550o wrote

No one care how you see it. You asked why the story was radically different - it's a reboot.


MrConbon t1_iubm0xy wrote

No. It’s a completely different universe. It has homages to the original Modern Warfare games but they’re completely new characters with the same look as the old characters in a completely new plot. Eyepatch Shepard does not exist in this timeline. It’s a new thing. That’s what a reboot is.