Submitted by One-Boot6444 t3_ygzwmi in gaming

I'm going to keep this short & simple. If you have seen trailers, then we all know in Modern Warfare 2022, General Shepard is alive. He is not wearing an eye patch. If people remember, soap through a knife into his left eye back in MW2. So Google originally said GS died in MW2. Now he's alive, BUT not wearing an eye patch and Ghost is alive. Can some please, in a simplified manor, elaborate on this .



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Mandrivnyk_703 t1_iubb6xh wrote

... MW 2019 was a soft reboot of the MW franchise alongside rewriting a few characters (Gaz being black and lost his beard) and adding a new set of allied character network...


TheRealSandwichMan t1_iubbgcr wrote

This game isn't following the same storyline as the previous titles, anything can happen


captaindepression6 t1_iubdnvx wrote

Its a reboot dude. Don't hurt your brain, a simple google would have worked


One-Boot6444 OP t1_iubfqef wrote

designers take elements from a previous game series and essentially start it over again. There are usually big changes to characters, settings, or the overall story

All I'm trying to say is, instead of changing half of the characters, they should've just picked from the '19MW or picked up from one of the others


All-Seeing_Hands t1_iubiwv9 wrote

It's not a prequel, either.

Realistically, mw19 could've been considered a prequel since it's just Price and Gaz, but 1. It takes place in 2019, not before 2016. And 2. A completely different story was written for MW22. What you're thinking of is a remaster, where everything stays the same.


One-Boot6444 OP t1_iublaxy wrote

Use Ghostbusters as an example. The old and newish reboot, yes different characters, but same thing


MrConbon t1_iubm0xy wrote

No. It’s a completely different universe. It has homages to the original Modern Warfare games but they’re completely new characters with the same look as the old characters in a completely new plot. Eyepatch Shepard does not exist in this timeline. It’s a new thing. That’s what a reboot is.


MrConbon t1_iubm7j5 wrote

That’s not a reboot. That’s a sequel. Some call it a “soft” reboot because it attempts to draw in a new generation of fans but the previous Ghostbusters films are canon. That is NOT the case for Call of Duty.


tea_snob10 t1_iubtjbt wrote

It's a reboot. In terms of 'canon', it's unrelated to the original MW trilogy. The characters exist but in an entirely universe/timeline. This is what a reboot is.

Luke the Ninja Theory Devil May Cry Reboot in 2013. Or like every superhero game, movie, comic ever. You play the current Spiderman and see how it's unrelated to other Spiderman games and media, albeit with the same characters ie Peter Parker, Aunt May, Mary Jane, Miles Morales, etc.


Pureshark t1_iuc6923 wrote

OP is about as smart as Ghost was by the end of the Original


throwaway097688 t1_iucip3x wrote

Since you don't seem to understand the concept of a reboot (wtf?). Imagine it more as if it's an alternate universe.


IHadFunOnce t1_iucj5yz wrote

So many people here getting trigger by an obvious troll haha. Just leave OP to his little “underbridge abode” and move on everyone.