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Greensssss t1_iuge0vq wrote

Whattttt? 70$?? How did they justify that?


shadesofwolves t1_iugedfk wrote

It's easy to look back now and say that was a ridiculous price. At the time though, not so much. Nowadays people think games should cost $40 and get 100 hours out of it without DLC.


ckirby7 t1_iugew6i wrote

I agree with you that expectations today are ridiculous. But at some point you have to draw a line on price. I believe if games base price goes over 100 then sales will fall off hard. I would probably still buy games but far, far fewer


shadesofwolves t1_iugf88j wrote

You don't have to buy them on release though. And a 40-50% jump in price is definitely not going to happen anytime soon.


Leon_Lights t1_iujaqbi wrote

Just think back when NES games came out. They were like $50 and you could beat most of them in under 2 or 3 hours. You get way more for your money now, no question.


MrFoozOG t1_iuhc7yl wrote

>Nowadays people think games should cost $40 and get 100 hours out of it without DLC.

duhh? have you seen the quality of todays games compared to back then?

Half assed pieces of shit, lied about content left and right, blatant nonsense, live service etc etc. People who pay 70 bucks for a newly released game today are mental.


shadesofwolves t1_iuhcfyl wrote

You know that doesn't track, and you're talking about a very select few games. Calling people mental for something they see value in is ludicrous.