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magitek369 t1_iugehhd wrote

I remember getting Mario RPG on release date back in '96. Price was $60.

Amazing we didn't see a price increase years ago...


squaler24 t1_iugf4gy wrote

Nintendo doesn’t need to do price hikes because their prices never changes. Mario Odyssey for example is at the same price as when released.


Darth_Rutsula t1_iugfhxf wrote

Because they know people will buy it. They are the Apple of video gaming.


damnsignins t1_iugoc10 wrote

It's not amazing. Companies used microtransactions to keep the retail price low. The price of most complete games hasn't been $60 since the 2000s. People are just happy with the, "I bought the game for $60 and I can skip the DLC," argument. But if anyone wants the entire game, the math is:

Complete game price = Base game + (DLC + Season Pass + Pre-order bonuses + "Partnered Sponsorship" tie-in codes + subscription models + optional microtransactions)

Not all of it applies to every game, but most, [not all], games have something in the parentheses of that formula.

And companies like Square Enix try to use the entire formula. I'm pretty sure the only thing Final Fantasy 15 didn't have was the subscription. They had multiple DLCs for that game that required buying other products to get a code for a weapon or armor or something. (-_ლ)


Leon_Lights t1_iujb23i wrote

Back in the late 80s NES games were going for $50. Imagine paying that much for most games that could be beaten in under 2 or 3 hours.