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beck35 t1_iuf7t8n wrote

What's wrong with CD Project Red?


Lymbasy t1_iuf838t wrote

They release broken unfinished games, they are lying, they are crunching their devs for 5+ years, etc.


graxy98 t1_iufalk8 wrote

'games' ? What else, other than CP 2077, was released unfinished in the last 5 years?


Glad-Driver-24 t1_iuffic4 wrote

Literally every single game that CDPR has released has been a mess at launch. I dunno if this comment is supposed to be satirical or what lmao


xoxoxxoxxoxoxo t1_iuflggq wrote

witcher series?


Glad-Driver-24 t1_iufn6tj wrote

All of the Witcher games had problems at launch, while obviously not as well documented as Cyberpunk as they kind of asked for that kind of backlash, they still were not fully fleshed out and all needed definitive editions to fix issues.


KidsAreIrresponsible t1_iufqbtu wrote

Absolute bullshit, all the witcher games were perfectly fine at launch in comparison to cyber punk. Yes they got some small patches with optimization and nerfs/buffs in the first few months but that's pretty normal for any game nowadays.


Glad-Driver-24 t1_iufrejj wrote

>in comparison to cyber punk

As I said in my comment, yes. However, they still were not in a state to be released to the general public.

>that's pretty normal for any game nowadays.

Both Witcher 1 and 2 had "enchanced editions" that literally came out one year after they released and fixed issues like loading times, bugs and graphical issues. That's not normal.


beck35 t1_iuf8zyy wrote

They did release a game too early, which turned out to be really good. I think hate is a strong word.