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theonlyone38 t1_iuhnkc2 wrote

Fallacy. Read/write warnings are for server grade hardware that does the amount of read/writes you do in a year in a couple hours.

You'll likely never reach the read/writes required to kill a drive. Its much more likely that you just had a defective drive from the onset.


ironshadowy OP t1_iuhnqsv wrote

Well i had a surface. After the drive died (first BSODS, then no detection in the first place) i searched online and it seems that its a common fault for the ssd to die that quick. It was only 2 years


theonlyone38 t1_iuhnwqs wrote

Again, that is just poor quality not anything to do with read writes.


ironshadowy OP t1_iuho8io wrote

Hmm, so the ssd line up is just bad?

After further inspection though of my dead pc, the mother board straight up refused to read any jsjsnndjdndnjdjdndjxunejsudnssd. So even so, would my motherboard be at risk still if i run from a HDD. Sorry if my questions sound stupid.

Now that you do mention it, after i purchased a new motherboard, i might look into opening my computer up again and replacing the ssd with my previous old one and see if it was actually working fine


theonlyone38 t1_iuhoh6c wrote

Picking a good brand is important, especially since some brands have been caught lying about their speeds and swapping out memory types without telling anyone.


ironshadowy OP t1_iuhqt3q wrote

It is a samsung ssd. More specifically the SSD that comes with a surface pro 4