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LetsGoChamp19 t1_iu3wxct wrote

Save the best for last and play RDR2 first

Going from GOW fast and intense gameplay to RDR2’s slow and clunky gameplay will feel like a massive step down if you play GOW first


BillzB89 t1_iu3x7a5 wrote

Both great games but RDR2 is quite possibly the best game ever made, don't put it down like that.

OP play GoW first because it's shorter.

RDR2 will take you ages to finish completely.


LetsGoChamp19 t1_iu3y1y3 wrote

That’s wildly overrating a flawed game. GOW could also be placed among the best games ever made as well

I’m just giving my experience. I played RDR2 straight after GOW, and going from intense and varied gameplay with tons of combat and enemy variety, to slow shootouts that play out the same every time just felt lacklustre


Mylynes t1_iu424q5 wrote

Who would’ve known that being a cowboy on Earth during the 1800’s is a lot different than being a Greek God living in a magical norse forest. The games each represent their settings perfectly.

Why would you even play RDR2 expecting to feel like a God of war?? You’re a human gangster outlaw making your way through the country. It sounds like you just aren’t very tasteful (only enjoy big flashy explosions and nonstop thrills)


LetsGoChamp19 t1_iu452oc wrote

When did I ever say I expect them to be similar games? When did I say they didn’t represent their settings? You’re either making stuff up or have terrible reading comprehension
