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joshford1992 t1_iuhzekj wrote

Fortnite. We love to hate it but it’s still good despite all of it


tedioussugar t1_iui0ncu wrote


It’s the same stupid broken shit, every year, and yet people still willingly spend money on it.

It stands for Fucking Idiotic Failures Association.


KarmelCHAOS t1_iui0z64 wrote

I agree with others that said Fortnite. Overwhelmingly made fun of for being bad, despite not actually being that bad and being loved by tons of people.


KidsAreIrresponsible t1_iui1a73 wrote

CoD is the nickelback of shooters, Skyrim the nickelback of RPG's, Age of Empires the nickelback of RTS's and FIFA the nickelback of sports games.


Edit for the downvotes: im not saying they're bad, im saying they're extremely mainstream and almost genre-defining.


Yo_Wats_Good t1_iui5o5h wrote

CoD feels more like the Drake of gaming.

Was quite good but sort of hit a sag but nevertheless does big numbers every time theres a new release. Occasionally surprising you with some heat to make you remember why you like them.


Celtic_Crown t1_iui6gvx wrote

Sonic, because it's cool to hate on it.


Yo_Wats_Good t1_iui744n wrote

>The same rehashed, mass-market appeal drivel year after year, but it still sells millions

I don't think Nickelback released as many albums as you think to warrant "year-after-year" and they haven't sold millions in like over a decade.


getikule t1_iui8rua wrote

EA aren't the Nickelback of gaming, they are the Metallica of gaming. Once considered the peak of their industry, but became a corporate shitshow that puts profits over quality of product...


OSFrog2023 t1_iuifi6d wrote

Sports games and shooters...


Original-Accident-35 t1_iuih8l7 wrote

Call of Duty. Overhyped, mass produced with a few actual good parts in a minefield of shit? (zombie)


saiyadjin t1_iujbcww wrote

nickeback - how you remind me..

and this is.. how you remind me..


FloopityMcGee t1_iuje9si wrote

GameStop. You give them a bunch of games and get a nickel back.