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iKyrax t1_iubcd0i wrote

I care too much about my performance in pvp specifically! I expect to win almost every fight and it's just not reasonable. I get frustrated while doing this to the point where I'm not even having fun, even if I have a good game. I recently decided to take a break from pvp games because of this.


spider-bro t1_iubk0ld wrote

I’ve gone the opposite direction. Somehow I got a lot less attached to outcomes in pvp games and it’s so much more fun.

I play Halo with a friend and he’s not having fun unless we’re winning. I just enjoy the challenge and the flow of the game. He gets so frustrated, and we usually have to switch to some PvE game just to keep him from having a heart attack.


iKyrax t1_iuboi9a wrote

I'm hoping with the break I'm taking I take it less seriously when I come back. I don't want to care as much as I do, but I can't help it.