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Winged_Mr_Hotdog t1_iubbdde wrote

Copenhagen...I have phased it out in all aspects except gaming.


jackknoops t1_iubbfz8 wrote

Depends on the night but sometimes I’ll have “lazy brain”. An example would be in a multiplayer game, I’m shooting someone and I know someone else is coming around the corner, and the best move would be to adjust my position but I keep shooting the first guy to get the kill.

Other nights I feel more locked in and make the smart choices


Void_vix t1_iubbi29 wrote

Posture:( I need to stretch more


TiredHappyDad t1_iubbm4f wrote

I do so naked. Wasn't really an issue until Pokémon go.


MaleficentPi t1_iubbnjb wrote

Low-Level NPC: [insert derogatory/challenging thing here]

Me: Oh no you didn’t (unslinging deathstickies)

Every. Time.


CortanaXII t1_iubbwwt wrote

Hoarding everything even when I don't need it. Or button mashing in fighting games instead of learning combos.


Drop_Society t1_iubcd09 wrote

Pacing the environment in case there’s hidden loot/doors. It’s the worst.


iKyrax t1_iubcd0i wrote

I care too much about my performance in pvp specifically! I expect to win almost every fight and it's just not reasonable. I get frustrated while doing this to the point where I'm not even having fun, even if I have a good game. I recently decided to take a break from pvp games because of this.


deecrutch t1_iubcnt1 wrote

Sitting down too long.

I am older now, and when I sit for too long, my legs and feet swell sometimes. I gotta learn to break up those all night gaming sessions.


HaloWhale t1_iubcvju wrote

Poor posture when sitting.


OSSkater t1_iubcw6w wrote

4 me.. havin to run between matches for a beer.. do they make refrigerator coffee tables? That would be genius.. lol


No_Finding_306 t1_iubd6d7 wrote

Hoarding every single item I collect. 50 cheese wheels yes please.... 39 fans sure..... Oh look dirt blocks I need those, ghost shells yeah I'll take them all.


ScottCraigDempsey t1_iube6x3 wrote

Not wiping my fingers after eating...thumbsticks and keys get greasy


Feisty-Mango810 t1_iube9n5 wrote

Reloading right before an enemy walks around the corner


Leoj55226 t1_iubeewu wrote

Poor posture, late night gaming downing energy drinks and reloading after a single shot when there is limited ammo and no containers nearby for me to refill my total ammo count


ARboredgamer t1_iubf95z wrote

I have stopped cursing in front of my 4 year old except if something goes really wrong in a game. My wife can sometimes see it coming and give me a reminder to watch it. Especially since my daughter likes to play games too and sometimes gets frustrated by them.


This_Archer407 t1_iubfhhy wrote

not being able to let go of deaths and than getting angrier the more i think about how i got killed, eventually start screaming and cussing at the screen, i play games that make me die a lot so it can be quite loud sometimes


Gigchip t1_iubg3yo wrote

Many things, reloading a gun after only shooting a few rounds. Over grinding arts of the game to where the rest of the game is too easy. Then complain the game was too easy. Or joining in a rpg game, then repairing armor, or crafting for a big battle, only to realize I ran out of time and have to get off lol.


Krazal456 t1_iubhdbo wrote

I look up guides when a puzzle is slightly difficult, and in fighting games I just button mash


HaloWhale t1_iubhsus wrote

I said the same thing. Stretching can help but it's only part of the solution. Gaming posture can lead to Upper-crossed syndrome (rounded forward shoulders, kyphosis, a hunched back, lack of t-spine mobility, tech neck, etc.) and lower crossed syndrom (weak core, tight hips, weak glutes, anterior pelvic tilt). To correct this you'll need to do 3 things 1 - strengthen the weakened muscles 2 - stretch the tight muscles 3 - change the habits that led to the issues Stretching by itself could lead to more issues, if you're stretching muscles that are already lengthened due to improper muscle length tension relationships and NO corrective work, will override continuing with poor daily posture.


MarioPartiesWithLink t1_iubhyxf wrote

bad posture fr! its the one time I slouch and usually for like hours at a time but it just feels good


StoryAndAHalf t1_iubia3x wrote

Powering through last quarter to third of the game (skipping side quests, skipping conversations), finishing it, then feeling bad that I didn’t enjoy the last portions of the game and now it’s too late. If only games were shorter or didn’t feel like they are overstaying their welcome with dragged out final acts.


spider-bro t1_iubjlf9 wrote

I never stick with a game when the going gets tough.

A friend of mine, while we were growing up, had this rule from his mom: she wouldn’t buy him a new game or allow him to buy a new game until he proved to her that he had beaten the previous one.

Mofo has a wife and kids now, runs his own business, while I’m living in a bedroom with no bed.


spider-bro t1_iubjqja wrote

Another bad habit: taking a hit any time there’s a pause in the action.

Actually when I decided to only take a hit of weed between matches (not each time I died), it led to a decline in my smoking that eventually became zero smoking, ie I quit.


King_Artis t1_iubjzcc wrote

Reloading like a motherfucker

I could know someone's right around the corner from me and have more then 2/3s of my magazine and still hit the reload button


spider-bro t1_iubk0ld wrote

I’ve gone the opposite direction. Somehow I got a lot less attached to outcomes in pvp games and it’s so much more fun.

I play Halo with a friend and he’s not having fun unless we’re winning. I just enjoy the challenge and the flow of the game. He gets so frustrated, and we usually have to switch to some PvE game just to keep him from having a heart attack.


Elegant_Spot_3486 t1_iubmdr9 wrote

Slouching in my chair. Bad posture. Nothing ergonomic about me while gaming.


SeraphiraMorana t1_iubmsyp wrote

Bad habit inside gaming would be hoarding. I will hunt down mods to be able to hoard and I try not to sell anything potentially useful.

Bad habit in real life when gaming. If I am absolutely loving it and like in a trance I will forget that I'm hungry. Then when I turn the game off I remember and stuff my face.


JimmyJackJericho t1_iubngcm wrote

Weed. I get super baked before a game session but then I forget how to play the makes MW2 so much more interesting


BodiaDobia t1_iubq25e wrote

Sometimes when I make a goal for myself, I get focused that I forget my other responsibilities. That and I have to much I want to play.


BodiaDobia t1_iubqszg wrote

Funny thing, a long while back, I was playing cs:go and out of habit, I reloaded after a few shots and died. I remember a dude spectating me said "dude, this isnt call of duty" and that really got me thinking for a while.


Pocho_Oso t1_iubrhkm wrote

I tend to bite my nails like a psycho trying to eat his own hand. I don't know why it gets so bad while gaming but my wife hates it.


HaloWhale t1_iubwqqi wrote

I'm a trainer, so I compiled a lot of information into relative short message. There's lots of information on these subjects, but the main issues to look up are "upper crossed syndrome", "lower crossed syndrome", or "anterior pelvic tilt". You'll need to foam roll, stretch, and strength train depending on the exact issues that you're facing.


farilladupree t1_iubx7lp wrote

Posture…and weed. So much weed. All the weed.


spicyzhu t1_iuc20ka wrote

My gf always wants to blow me when I am gaming


NetherPortals t1_iuc8231 wrote

Same as with software, I skip tutorials pretty often.


JLConawayII t1_iucd94e wrote

Not stopping until the sun comes up.


redmose t1_iuctsvs wrote

aiming too low in order to see more of the ground.

good for looting, but you lose a lot from the scenery. it's literally in game poir posture


ProtogenWithUsb t1_iudguhm wrote

I'm playing roblox n my windows 7...ITS LAGGY AT A NOKIA PLAYING ROBLOX


young-fool t1_iuepngy wrote

Forgetting about missions in open world games.