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alwayzbored114 t1_iydoi1f wrote

Guess I'm just dumb because even after I was told they were Playstation game references, I couldn't figure out which was which for most of them haha


lalosfire t1_iydp1h3 wrote

Their are some that are harder to discern for sure. But some are plainly obvious if you've played those games, especially because of the covers of each book. If you've played those games you should pretty easily be able to tell which is Rachet, Bloodborne, Astrobot, MLB the Show, etc. On the Bloodborne sub especially where people get that symbol tattoo'd super frequently.


alwayzbored114 t1_iydpaqc wrote

Despite nearly 100%ing the game, I also didn't know they ended up on a shelf like this! I was going purely off the text. I'll have to load back in and check it out


lalosfire t1_iydplae wrote

> I also didn't know they ended up on a shelf like this!

I actually didn't either but you can see the covers on the right side when you're reading the text.