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Sekhen t1_iy3kuqr wrote

The original XB360, curvy, chonker.

I've had so many hours there. Created so many fond memories. At one point I got one for my wife so we could play GTA5 together.


SmittyManJensen_ t1_iy4t0pf wrote

I still have mine. It has a translucent blue case with purple LED lights inside.


Sekhen t1_iy5x8qe wrote

I got the upgraded "slim" with hdmi output. It's not connected.


Rizenstrom t1_iy3pxt5 wrote

I actually really like the Series X. I know it's just a boring box but I prefer more minimalistic designs. I really wanted to build my PC in the NZXT H1 until I learned they were catching on fire.


RandomPrimary2004 t1_iy3kczp wrote

I'm biased towards the PS2 slim


Pacu99 t1_iy3y1d1 wrote

I'm biased towards the PS2 phat, especially with the blue horizontal stand


Sidewinder7 t1_iy5xlkt wrote

And the rotating logo to accommodate the vertical stand.


SolitudeStargazer t1_iy3m5ep wrote

Technically not a console. But The Net Yaroze. Matte black Playstation 1 dev kit


mrhippoj t1_iy3nhc9 wrote

Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, Wii, Series S, DS Lite


ohmz t1_iy3s0yh wrote

I never had one, but there is something aesthetically pleasing about the Dreamcast. The PS3, which I do have, looks like a George Foreman grill…


bideodames t1_iy3st3o wrote

Agree with OP. First edition PS3 that had all the chromed out bits. Others were the original Sega Genesis with the high definition graphics lettering and the Atari 2600 with the classic woodgrain material


767_POG t1_iy3lt3a wrote

I wanna say PS5 but Xbox series x is pretty good too

Ehhhhhhhhhh Nintendo switch

If adding old gen then I’m saying (this is my opinion) tie between GameCube and new 2DS XL (new 3DS XL is better but looks a bit worse for me)


mrhippoj t1_iy3nlqt wrote

Damn, I love my PS5 but I think it's maybe the ugliest thing I've ever invited into my home. Series X is nice but I think the Series S looks nicer


767_POG t1_iy3nsv9 wrote

Unpopular opinion, PS5 design is good

But it is worst out of the 3 new gen consoles rn (yes I’m biased I do own a Nintendo switch)


AstreasWill t1_iy3qioy wrote

The DS was really good. Especially the later version that had a camera, I used it alot back then, cause I owned a flip phone. Being able to use gameboy or DS games was really nice. The pen tended to stay put. The thing easily fit in a pocket when you had no gameboy game. I liked it. Especially when painted or sticker bombed.


KokonutMonkey t1_iy3vx2c wrote

Love the elegance of the Dreamcast and how the design language carried over to the original NA jewel cases.

Similar goes for the PS2. Looks great horizontal or vertical. Game cases are boring, but looked sweet at the time.

OG PS4 feels like a natural evolution. Always liked the shape. Similar goes for the PS5 once you get past the fact that it looks like a small humidifier.

Neo Geo is bad ass and, in a way, may have influenced the Dreamcast's simple design.

Gameboy Advance and SP. Money.


JJohnson25 t1_iy3z05n wrote

Xbox 360 elite and og PS3


isic t1_iy4tqwn wrote

Xbox Series X