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Lord_Muramasa t1_ixvzo01 wrote

It worked out well for me. I work a lot so I could sit down and play for an hour or so doing side missions like beat up this room full of bad guys or construction site full of bad guys or disarm the bombs in so many seconds and then call it. Then on the weekends when I can play for many hours I did mostly story line stuff. I can definitely see what you are saying and if I was 10 years old again and could play as many hours as I wanted I could see agreeing with you. Even playing it for an hour or two I got tired of looking for backpacks.

As far as it being more about his personal life, I like that. You really got to see how he has to juggle a lot of stuff. Lets be honest, most people would have an emotional breakdown if they had to juggle all the stuff Peter does. Then despite all the stuff he does he is broke and at one point homeless for a night. That really hits hard especially when you are putting your life on the line everyday to save New York. I could easily see Peter or at least Peter on another world go crazy and become a bad ass super villian.

They really show you what Peter goes through and we don't get any of that with most heroes. It also makes you appreciate more what he does as Spiderman since he has a real life to balance as Peter Parker.



> I can definitely see what you are saying and if I was 10 years old again and could play as many hours as I wanted I could see agreeing with you

lol I feel this. I’m currently on PTO and the PS4 im using is borrowed, so I figured I’d knock it out During my stay cation. Normally I’m a 30-45 min a day kind of guy.

Thanks for your perspective.

For me, I don’t care about peters interpersonal relationships, tbh. It’s what I loved about Arkham city and Arkham asylum, it’s just a focus on Batman and not Bruce Wayne, or “the Batman” movie had almost no focus on Bruce Wayne. Idk, I’m just not super into the interpersonal relationships of these over the top characters. I’m not trying to play a soap opera, I’m trying to beat up super villains and save the day.