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Leramar89 t1_iyd4yir wrote

Last I checked there was nothing in Norse mythology about a Spartan man-turned-God rampaging around during Ragnarok either. The God of War series has never claimed to be an accurate portrayal of mythology.


Subject_Cause_5288 OP t1_iyd5593 wrote

That picture is from God Of War.


TSJ-Atlas t1_iyd6sge wrote

We get it, the picture is from God of war. If that's your only defense to valid points being made here, then you're not looking for a discussion, you're just looking to argue


Leramar89 t1_iyd814z wrote

Maybe Odin decided to leave his horse in the stable? And maybe his bros were off dealing with their own stuff? They'd need extra games if they wanted to include every single Norse god.

It's the same in the Greek games. Apollo, Hestia and Dionysus are mentioned but we never meet them. We also speak to Artemis at some point in the first game but it's through a portal and she never shows up directly.


Subject_Cause_5288 OP t1_iydkaf4 wrote

I can agree with the brothers. But Odin is always portrayed with the horse. And during Ragnarok it is absent.


Haunting-Pop-5660 t1_iydx7xw wrote

Odin isn't always portrayed with his horse. Sometimes he can be found wandering, projecting visions or even sitting on his throne.

Seems a very specific nitpick for no reason.


Otakuma575 t1_iycsakl wrote

You must be the life of parties...


T_BagginsEsq t1_iycvn5g wrote

This isn't a correct version of Norse mythology at all. It's Santa Monica Studio's version that they crafted specifically for this game.

They used characters and certain situations from Norse myth and that's it.

That's why people say it's "loosely based" on Norse myth.


Subject_Cause_5288 OP t1_iycx7ip wrote

This picture is from the God Of War game. They are in the God Of War universe, but absent in Ragnarok.


T_BagginsEsq t1_iyd5mkd wrote

Because that is how the game is designed.

Just because they include them in murals and shrines does not mean they have to be present in the story.

Your reading into this way too much.


Snoo83081 t1_iycx6nm wrote

Man it is a fun game that doesn’t even claim to be accurate. Read a book or paper on Nordic history/mythology and masturbate there if you find a mistake. This kind of commentary is super boring.


andurilmat t1_iycsshg wrote

Wasn't one of the games big themes that you make your own denstiny and that prophecies aren't set in stone


Subject_Cause_5288 OP t1_iycun8v wrote

The horse is present in every shrine. And exists even before the arrival of Kratos into the Norse pantheon.


theertzuinianer t1_iycudjf wrote

Loki births sleipnir, so that just hasn't happened yet I guess. In Norse Mythology there also isn't a greek demigood going defcon 3 tho.


Subject_Cause_5288 OP t1_iycur5g wrote

Then why the horse exist when Odin killed Ymir, where Loki wasn't even born yet?!


[deleted] t1_iycxqu8 wrote

Also why was Ragnarok a trek through a ravine and easy boss fights between Thor and Odin. Where were the set pieces that were beautifully present during the first fight with Thor?

Why does Angrboda’s grandma appear once with no close?

Why not add Gna as a boss on the way to Odin in Asgard and make Tyr (in Nifilhem) the final optional boss that we beat and bring back to reality. Atreus made a comment that we don’t know someone’s state of mind when imprisoned for a lengthy time, it certainly would’ve been interesting.

Just a few things that made me scratch my head tbh.


darthimperius01 t1_iyejadt wrote

All of which are reasons they should have made it a full trilogy, even if we had to wait longer for the conclusion.


PrescientPotato t1_iycucds wrote

More like - what's Sif doing outside of the wall during freaking siege in a dress?
