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[deleted] t1_iycxqu8 wrote

Also why was Ragnarok a trek through a ravine and easy boss fights between Thor and Odin. Where were the set pieces that were beautifully present during the first fight with Thor?

Why does Angrboda’s grandma appear once with no close?

Why not add Gna as a boss on the way to Odin in Asgard and make Tyr (in Nifilhem) the final optional boss that we beat and bring back to reality. Atreus made a comment that we don’t know someone’s state of mind when imprisoned for a lengthy time, it certainly would’ve been interesting.

Just a few things that made me scratch my head tbh.


darthimperius01 t1_iyejadt wrote

All of which are reasons they should have made it a full trilogy, even if we had to wait longer for the conclusion.