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TaiDavis t1_iy8t6oh wrote

I think it was rated just about right


DrawnGunslinger t1_iy8ocwz wrote

It did have a lot of great first-party titles. Mariomaker was a dream come true and was perfect with the touch screen.


Viirax t1_iy8pj08 wrote

The virtual console, while not the best, also had a decent number of retro games you could just buy, not some dumb subscription or anything but just buy.


RedsealONeal t1_iy8scld wrote

Better off soft modding an original Wii and filling it with retro goodness.


onlinerender OP t1_iy8oxtw wrote

I got mine for £70 second-hand, honestly still the best family game console, sports titles, mario kart ... I still think its better than the switch


DrawnGunslinger t1_iy8q6md wrote

I paid £100 for ours 3 years ago and quickly collected all the best games for it. It's a really cool console. Our Switch gets used a lot as my son loves Pokemon games and it comes with us in the car very often, tethered to my phone. The WiFi U has never skipped a beat. No controller issues or anything. The Switch Jiycons on the other hand are dreadful. I have had to open them all up and fix them at one time or another. The Switch is hopeless in my opinion. Waaay underpowered.


RedsealONeal t1_iy8s7i2 wrote

Better than the switch? Mmmmmm not in my world, but to each their own.


WorldsBiggestNarcist t1_iyae2w8 wrote

Yoshi's Woolly World is infintely better then every other switch game prove me wrong


RedsealONeal t1_iyaezeh wrote

Highly subjective, I'm not a fan of it, it's not my top choice genre, that's mostly why.


S4mb741 t1_iy94p53 wrote

Lived with 5 housemates while at uni so the Wii u was the only console we could all play at the same time. We got way to into the mario chase game on nintendoland.


Healthy-Apartment-68 t1_iy8zghz wrote

From day 1 with Nintendo land it was a goat. You wouldn't know unless you played it with friends, it's the perfect BS party game. Add Mario Kart 8, Xenoblade Cross and BOTW and you have the leaders in the genre IMO.


call_of_mischief t1_iy9hsyq wrote

Cool setup consider getting a bigger shelf doe i fear your stuff will overheat


Frowning_Existing666 t1_iy9ks5h wrote

I feel the switch is what the Wii U should have been, I will have to dust mine off soon and jump back into Wind Waker, It’s been too long.


shadowsaixx t1_iya0mqj wrote

It has some gems for sure


Psychodelicaz t1_iya2xhu wrote

Mines still set up. Nice to have metroid zero and DK64 on it.


[deleted] t1_iya3igd wrote

I didn’t even know it existed until the next smash bros came out and I realized I didn’t have the right console for it.

Still didn’t get one till the switch and ultimate.


KatiePyroStyle t1_iyagfla wrote

It was rated entirely properly. The console had plenty of issues, the only thing that saves the wiiu is its exclusives, and virtual console was pretty darn good too, for the time, I could play wii, GameCube, n64, gameboy advanced and color, nes, and snes games, and I didn't need to hog the TV all the time, I could let my sister watch jank reruns of Hanna Montana while I played megaman and majoras mask.

But you had very little range with the wireless gamepad, the gamepad is required, and it had shitty battery life, plus the software is really janky too, it's not the most capable machine in the world. It lags playing minty wii discs, and let's not even talk about the abysmal resolution and framerates of a game like botw. As much as I personally don't like the switch, it's also a huge upgrade from wiiu too.

I just wish they brought back the virtual console aspect to the switch and sold old games at reasonable prices. I mean what a missed opportunity to not put the entire gameboy library on the latest handheld console model Nintendo owns. Why can't I play pokemon fire red or megaman battle network or smth on the switch? Huge waste of potential if you ask me, we could have had a gameboy consolizer directly from Nintendo themselves

Anyway, I'm digressing now, thanks for joining my Ted talk


bigdaddydave411 t1_iyassnr wrote

Facts. I don’t care if sales numbers suggest it sucked For true Nintendo fans, its a solid offering.


toolsofpwnage t1_iyaxzrd wrote

It was one of the consoles of all time