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playtio t1_iyejuy3 wrote

There's no missable stuff. Just play, have fun, experiment with the different weapons and gadgets.

Pretty much every type of arrow and ammo has its use, do use them.


Witch_of_Dunwich t1_iyekfzo wrote

Leave this thread before someone spoils the story for you.

Seriously. Unraveling the mystery is one of the best parts of the game.


malccy72 t1_iyekhxp wrote

Just enjoy the story as much as the game. It is a shame almost to just rush through it. It is worth savouring.


PrescientPotato t1_iyeko37 wrote

My tip would be to learn how to take a screenshot


eruciform t1_iyekwgw wrote

Try every weapon and every type of ammo, all kinds of combinations are viable. Unless you're really hard-core don't go above normal difficulty on a first run, it's a pretty challenging game. Exploring is fun and rewarding, if nothing else to unlock fast travel locations or map towers. It's pretty open world so after getting out of the starter area you can go almost anywhere and do a lot of things in different orders.


Usual_Cranberry_4836 t1_iyel7ov wrote

Learn how to use all the different weapons. Took me too long to cotton on to that. Was incomparable better once I did


SnowArcaten t1_iyelgna wrote

If the ammo selection gets overwhelming, just focus on normal arrows and tear arrows. Use tear to remove parts and normal to do damage. Refine as you get more used to them.


Dreaming_Dreams t1_iyem4xz wrote

If you don’t get the 50 unmarked collectibles then you can’t get the true ending and you’ll miss the story


Star_Lord98 t1_iyemffn wrote

What I would give to be playing this game for the first time again! Just enjoy everything


Koopa_Keith t1_iyemom7 wrote

Literally just started this today too, looking forward to it


Otherwise_Procedure3 t1_iyemuvz wrote

Don't Brute force the combat. Play it tactically and think about what you're shooting where.


SundaeComfortable628 t1_iyenoen wrote

Kill everything that walks. Never know when you’ll need certain parts


HatchBuggy t1_iyeofdj wrote

Get a refund...too ubisoftish game that I uninstalled like 5 times after not digesting how is it considered a good game


TipTronique t1_iyeojzz wrote

Don’t play on highest difficulty as the enemy bullet sponge factor is pretty gnarly.

Just have fun!


derwood1992 t1_iyeoqvb wrote

Got it on the steam sale myself. Not much of an open world gamer, but giant robo dino fights are hard to say no to. Naturally I bought like 20 other games for $3 a game so who knows when I'll actually get around to playing it.


Shumagorolth t1_iyeq7vg wrote

If you do the Frozen wild stuff first it'll give you a leg up on the rest of the game.


Shumagorolth t1_iyes4jf wrote

It would allow you to mod your spirit early in the game it would give you good armor early in the game and it would give you a whole bunch of mods that you can use in your weapons early in the game. Not to mention four quest related weapons that are really powerful


detroit54701 t1_iyetp80 wrote

Grind the side quests first to up your gear and kill tree. It will make the missions easier


Coool_breeze16 OP t1_iyeu3mx wrote

I always savour open worlds. Especially the super detailed ones where you can tell the Devs filled every corner of it. I'll try my best to go through the whole game and savour it. I'm not really the speed runner type


Chromiacze t1_iyeudmg wrote

Go for all sidequests, they are great. Also, frozen wilds are pretty tough, so don't go there until you are really geared up and get some exp, both as player and your character.

And have a lot of fun!


Aldderin t1_iyeuvw1 wrote

It's not for everyone, I platinumed the first game and thought it was pretty average, each to their own of course.


Mysterious_Fennel459 t1_iyeuxsk wrote

I like the bow that has that vibrate ability that busts off all the dino's parts.

Also you can stack trip wires on top of each other and get a hard dino to walk into it and it'll do all the stacked trip wire damage at once.


Coool_breeze16 OP t1_iyevkqk wrote

I love good side quests!! Especially if they present the opportunity to level up in the process. And thanks for the frozen wilds tio. Someone else in this thread told me to do it straight out the gate...


Chromiacze t1_iyew440 wrote

Definititely no - first machine will have like lvl 30 or so. They'll eat you alive in 5 second. You'll have suggested level to attend this quest displayed in quest log, so you'll know when you are more or less ready.


TheButcherOfBaklava t1_iyewbsw wrote

Because you have the frozen wilds expansion, you will get spear upgrade runes or whatever. You will never be able to use them until the dlc. Fyi


AcidShAwk t1_iyewqqf wrote

I played side missions before main story. This helped me gain weapons and skills that really made the main story cake. There is a point system. If the main story says you're at level 20.. And there are side missions open at levels below 20.. I would do them before continuing on the main story or quest. Just a personal choice but as I mentioned. Really helps you up your skills and combat abilities.


D3troit_ t1_iyexn9i wrote

Have fun and explore.


Axel_Fireflame t1_iyeyj67 wrote

stealth is your best friend for some fights, it's better to take your time and take them out one by one rather than rush into a massive fight


Duzza91 t1_iyezu53 wrote

The first game (HZD) is actually very low on grind for an open-world game. The best armor is looked behind collectibles (but only 5 pieces scattered throught the entire game). Apart from that, generally the best equipment ist simply unlocked by progressing the story and then buying it at a trade. Honestly, the combat was such a blast to me that i never had to specifically decide to farm certain enemies...all i needed i got by just playing and trying out new weapons


GeeezZ- t1_iyf0n9k wrote

Do the hunters lodge stuff. Imo great way to learn how to deal with different machines. I tried doing the game without googling stuff so hunters lodge was essentially a tutorial to fight all the machines.


Solh0und t1_iyf1b00 wrote

Honestly, I played up until level 28 or so and did the Frozen Wilds dlc. It actually adds a bit of story bits since you'll run into a character that gets talked about a lot in the later parts of the game. Plus the weapons you get from the side mission you do post dlc story are worth it.


CptHarris t1_iyf1u17 wrote

I really don't get it, why people ask for "//tips" in such games. Just play the game! You'll figure it out! It's quite casual. Instead he's sitting here in danger of getting more spoilers. Yikes


Saiitek t1_iyf3t10 wrote

If you are playing in harder difficulties you need to start learning to play with all the variety of traps elemental damage and weakspots from early on, because IT can bei really hard Sometimes.


grepheen t1_iyf3u7d wrote

Learn how to use the camera mode. You will not regret.


nightcore34 t1_iyf4873 wrote

Get in the habit of collecting resources as and when you see them because you need them to craft, it is very easy to think you have enough and then later on you've used up your resources and have to grab them.


meothfulmode t1_iyf5sgm wrote

Don't post angry things about the main character's face on twitter


LuNoZzy t1_iyf7eo9 wrote

Recently finished this game. Don't worry about missing something. You won't. Just relax and play the game.

However don't forget to do the side quests first before you do the main one. Have fun!


SuggestionOk1331 t1_iyfaf90 wrote

The best part of this game for me was the unexpected amazing history


WolfLover104 t1_iyfaf98 wrote

The only thing I can say it’s awesome game


horse3000 t1_iyfau1h wrote

Here’s a tip, the story is pretty good. But the gameplay / combat is dogshit imo


Obvious-Okra5484 t1_iyfav2e wrote

The number one recommendation is to actually read the lore and sight see as you go around. Knowledge of the lore that it shows you will make the story far more interesting. Just don't rush the main story. Take the scenic route and avoid any spoilers or even tips on most things, they aren't needed.

Only combat tip I have is that every weapon type and element has a use. Don't do what I do and only use 1 or 2 things and forget. There will be a challenge/tutorials thing here and there which shows you what different weapons or elements do.
