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[deleted] t1_iyeyezh wrote

All 3 are great games. I loved Spider-man


ConnorCoolBeans3245 OP t1_iyeyipx wrote

I forgot to add that I’m on pc but I have a Xbox controller that I can link it with


ConnorCoolBeans3245 OP t1_iyeynuz wrote

I’ll probably just buy the game that people recommend the most


ConnorCoolBeans3245 OP t1_iyeyuun wrote

I’m sure that elden ring can probably last me much longer than god of war since its open world and probably have more things to do, but I always love a good story


Schulle2105 t1_iyezpvv wrote

All 3 games are great but I think elden ring has the most playvalue,you could go for pvp or try completely different builds,so replaying would be the biggest difference


newbieplaya1 t1_iyf097z wrote

Elden, how and spider man definitely last also it is a very short game unlike the two others


Europocalypse t1_iyf0dde wrote

God of war > Spiderman. Haven't played elder ring as dark souls games aren't for me


liquiddil t1_iyf1x8y wrote

Elden ring has the best never repeating areas enemies etc. It's always crazy shit all the time throwing you curve balls. Plus all the RPG play style options like caster or melee, it totally changes play style. Lots and lots of hours replaying this one.


SanderCast t1_iyf610l wrote

Elden Ring pros:

-Massive open world where you never know what you'll come across next.

-Great and fun build variety.

-Some of the most memorable bosses you'll ever face.

-Very long game with tons of replayability.

Elden Ring cons:

-The story is practically nonexistant unless you either look everything up online or spend tons and tons of time reading every item description and making a crazy person map to keep track of it all.

-Even if you do the above steps, there's not really a story surrounding your character as much as there is lore and history for the world, enemies, and bosses

-Side quests are nearly impossible to follow without a guide

-It's a Souls game, so the difficulty may not be your cup of tea, especially as it ratchets up near the end of the game.

GoW pros:

-Great storytelling with a solid plot and very well-realized characters.

-Extremely flashy combat with a fair amount of depth (or at least more depth than the other two games).

-Lots of "oh shit" moments throughout the game.

GoW cons:

-Some of the bosses can be repetitive

-Game is relatively short compared to Elden Ring

Spiderman pros:

-The most fun traversal of any open world game by far

-Fun (if simple) flashy combat -You get to be Spiderman

Spiderman cons:

-Story isn't anything amazing, but it's not bad

-Some people feel the combat is repetitive, but I personally didn't mind

-Not much replayability

EDIT: Formatting


thesnapening t1_iyf6dlb wrote

Well if you buy the ps5 miles morales you get spiderman remastered aswell. Two games for the price of one.