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Greensssss t1_iydfek1 wrote

Sekiro doesnt have that much grind. You can pretty much fight mobs and bosses with its combat mechanism.


Greensssss t1_iydg9ev wrote

Never played elden ring before so I cant say much on that game. However if youve played the other dark souls games, then its pretty much that but more open world. At least thats what I see in some gameplay vids

Sekiro is more linear, with a different vibe to other fromsoft games. Its more forgiving, is what they say cuz I also never played dark souls :D


Waffel_Monster t1_iydglgy wrote

I can't tell you what to play first, they got no story relation to eachother, what I can tell you is that Sekiro is generally a much faster game than Elden Ring. Not necessarily fast to play through, but the combat is faster.


ArunKT26 t1_iydgy0s wrote

Sekiro, it's not a rpg so no grinding required and i like the combat alot more as well as a more straight forward story telling


Applejuice11011 t1_iydh81s wrote

They have no correlation to each other. I would recommend elden ring over sekiro since its much longer if a game, you would get more out of it. It also has a diverse play style where sekiro has a unique style that has a high learning curve. For many people it took them about half the game until the new fighting style “clicked” for them.

So if you already played souls 1, 2 or 3 I would reccomend elden ring. But if youre looking for something different and fresh then play sekiro. Both are amazing games that you should play at some point.

Plus elden rings dlc will be released in the coming months so if you wanted to get into it now is a good time.


Alloyd11 t1_iydh989 wrote

I would say sekiro has no grind unless you want to max out the skill tree. There is only one skill you really need which is mikiri counter which is the first or second skill. In sekiro the way you increase your strength is by killing bosses, every boss you kill drops a memory that you use to strengthen yourself. You increase your health by collecting prayer beads you will find a lot naturally just make sure you kill mini bosses (mobs with the red dot under there health)


Ifitbleedz t1_iydha2q wrote

I think they are fundamentally different experiences. In the sense of sekiro was a very fast paced parry heavy souls game that when I first played it (granted I was much younger and have yet to come back to it) wasn’t for me. The open worldness and the style of combat of elden ring was much more my speed and I genuinely had a blast learning areas, finding bosses that I would get stuck on for weeks only to master the “ins and outs” of that particular boss. It was much more slowed down and made the souls experience more palatable for me personally. I have huge admiration for sekiro players that are really good because it’s so fun to watch a master at that game. I think if you enjoy the slower experience elden ring is a great place to jump in. I think if you enjoy the faster paced souls experience you’ll have fun with sekiro.


6363tagoshi t1_iydti9r wrote

Hard to say dude some people liked ER but didn’t like Sekiro


Parry_-Hotter t1_iydu78r wrote

Sekiro is my first from soft game and i finished it like 6 times, picked up elden ring and for the love of God i can't stop trying to parry every single attack, if you don't mind grinding I'd say play elden ring first


InnovativeFarmer t1_iye1pkb wrote

Sekiro's closest comparison is Bloodborne but it is different enough that it is very different from Bloodborne. In Sekiro, you arent really punished for attacking and hesitation can mean death in many boss fight. There are shinobi tools to use as projectiles and there is guarding.

I just started Elden Ring and it feels like a Souls game. The combat still feels like guarding, parrying, taking advantage of open attack windows.