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iKingRico t1_iy9fb3x wrote

The moment I hear it Iā€™m entering V.A.T.S. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


RanHakubi t1_iy9hijp wrote

TV: "beep beep beep"

Me: "oh God oh fuck oh shit oh God oh fuck oh shit"


Mandrivnyk_703 t1_iy9lhy3 wrote

"Only one of us is going to survive and it won't be you"

Every super mutant suicider ever.


FeaR_TH3_Reap3R t1_iy9lz66 wrote

Behemoth? Lol

Deathclaw? EZ

Suicider? Spawns outside a building and explodes during the transition before the camera fades in.


periphery72271 t1_iy9ffb8 wrote

If it's early game and I hear the beeping too fast or too loud and I don't have him in my sights, I just set the controller down and close my eyes, then accept my fate.

I know I'm getting to a good place when I can just say F it, tank the explosion and keep going knowing I'll just have to lug around a smoking power armor frame and be more careful, and my biggest worry is getting it repaired soon.


BootyInspector96 t1_iy9sfty wrote

What is this thing?


HappyAlcohol-ic t1_iya4nm8 wrote

A mutant in Fallout (4?) that carries a mini nuke and is dead set on exploding you with it.


hidden-in-plainsight t1_iyas5eb wrote

They run up to you, slam the mini nuke into the ground, causing a nuclear explosion, turning you both into a mist of blood and meat chunks.


timojenbin t1_iya4u9s wrote

One of my fondest and first memories of FO4 is tripping across a RNG group of these at dusk near the car factory town. I engaged them at a few hundred feet with a scoped rifle. I did not expect the dude to flank me, did not see him because dusk and scoped, and when he got close I was like: what is that noise?!
And then I died.


Swinehunt t1_iy9nwz5 wrote

blinky light go boom


Im_hard_for_Tina_Fey t1_iy9uc3q wrote

But a 2% chance of a free mini nuke


Crazygamerdude17 t1_iyab3z3 wrote

Only if you donā€™t shoot it and cause it to blow up beforehand, I usually just shoot the mini nuke, then the mutant dies and anything near it is damaged. I donā€™t care about the nuke since I just get mine from the Cabot House, after that quest you can find a respawning mini nuke, just fast travel away then travel back to get another


graal3740 t1_iyakwqq wrote

These guys were by far the stupidest thing in FO4. Supermutants are (theoretically) rare, and they're just throwing these guys away. They didn't even try to create some lore explaining why they kill themselves.


Banger_ranger t1_iyb35hm wrote

when you have to reload a slow loading weapon



Deadlyman567 t1_iy9hu7e wrote

This guy is almost as scary as a cloaker charging at you in payday 2. Maybe even the same level of scary as a cloacker


mispeltcurtain t1_iy9oqij wrote

Always hated this one, I always try and kill it so I can get the mini nuke but I always end up dying or accidentally shooting the nuke


TheVolcanado t1_iy9kknr wrote

I hear it in my nightmares...


VITE8VOLF t1_iy9s8eq wrote

Not if you shoot the fucking nuke, and hope it's far enough.


ShadesAndFingerguns t1_iya0bsv wrote

After playing so much survival I've learned that these guys are basically just a free area clear


NickolaosTheGreek t1_iyapo9w wrote

Yet another reason to have your companion use Melee all the time. Preston has been nuked 20 times.


SolidZealousideal115 t1_iyaz9rz wrote

This is why I always keep at least 1 crit ready when fighting super mutants.


AnAwkwardCopper t1_iyb9n9k wrote

I can hear myself taking too long to reload before one gets too close


Annunaki76 t1_iybma3v wrote

I love sniping the nuclear soccer ball from far distances. The fireball is beautiful.


Coveinant t1_iybod9h wrote

Quick Legendary Stalker's hunting rifle while not spotted. The damage output I got with that thing my first playthrough could eventually kill behemoths, it was beautiful. šŸ˜¢


dx2words t1_iycnauv wrote

smartest mutant?