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arcanacard t1_iy9he5l wrote

I just wipe them on my pants. It comes down to overactive sweat glands. They can do surgery, but I hear it just makes other areas sweat more afterwards.


the_bruh_enigma OP t1_iy9itkw wrote

Thing is, I barely play competitive games at all lmao. That’s what baffles me the most. I can literally sit down at my desk, watch some youtube and have my hands sweaty like an esporter’s.


ClassroomOfPain t1_iy9jphu wrote

I just struggle with my items slipping off. It helps me to have items that have surfaces that eliminate friction.


bigbadbeardy t1_iy9kkw8 wrote

I had my sweat glands removed like Bruce Lee. 0/10 do not recommend


TiddyTwoShoes t1_iy9mail wrote

You can put a small fan on your desk so you can dry your hands every few minutes. I never found a solution myself, as I had the same issue when I was playing on PC. Controllers don't seem to do it as much, or maybe I just sweat less in the hands as I get older.


LePoopScoop t1_iy9oeqm wrote

I was just kidding. Is it the sweat that bothers you or the lack of grip? Sounds silly but if it's the latter you could just get some gloves. I wouldn't be surprised if cooling gloves are a thing


twohedwlf t1_iy9oqi8 wrote

Speak to your GP about diagnosis and treatment for hyperhidrosis.


the_bruh_enigma OP t1_iy9pejk wrote

What bothers me most is the stickiness of my mouse and keyboard after I use them, not the sweat per se. I did consider using gloves but it's definitely much more uncomfortable. Thanks regardless!


UnscrupulousCabbages t1_iya1lzx wrote

Makes me miss the madcatz ps2 controller with fans built into the controller grips, was a godsend in the old gow games with all the button combo mashing insanity.


ZazaB00 t1_iyaxo2y wrote

You live somewhere with high humidity? Can’t really solve that without having a dehumidifier running, or maybe a fan blowing cool air across you.


Gravediggaz6fd t1_iybcsi5 wrote

Amazon has hand antiperspirant called carpe. 10/10


JabiDam t1_iyduin5 wrote

Have your tried to wear knitted fingerless gloves? I use to live in a pretty cold environment so whenever I would work or game on my computer I would wear them for warmth and didn’t really bother me as far as movement or comfort. Might help absorb some sweat?