Submitted by DumplingSoda t3_z8kham in gaming

Reddit is were i want to shared my embarrassing story incident, a moment ago i just lose a Dota 2 game it was all because of one toxic player trolling and annoyed me and my team mates, so i throw my razer fat mic into my Dell 24 inch 75 hz monitor after the dota2 games

A couple weeks ago i was very felt angry about the Dota 2 game after the game ends with a lose on my team What should i do , i felt very very embarrassed to even tell my other gaming friends

Should i quit gaming???



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AnInsaneMoose t1_iyc08qh wrote

You should definetly look into those anger issues

Not quit gaming entirely, but perhaps avoid competitive games for at least a while


Ghostly-Terra t1_iyc0903 wrote

Maybe stop playing games that make you rage, really


DeXyDeXy t1_iyc0fis wrote

If you quit, you’ll never master yourself and the issue will pop up at other points in your life.


jokergrin t1_iyc0ghy wrote

Games like that just breed toxicity. Play something nice instead. I don't know you well enough to suggest things but maybe single player games or co-operative multiplayer games where you work together


jeremy-o t1_iyc0i9i wrote

>one toxic player trolling and annoyed me and my team mates, so i throw my razer fat mic into my Dell 24 inch 75 hz monitor

That'll show 'em 🤔

Personally yes, I think you should take a break until you've got your mental health and moods in order. It may be that competetive games aren't actually good for your personal vibe and that's fine.


BrilliantMango3291 t1_iyc0qu1 wrote

Raging because of a hobby is not any kind of anger issue. Hobbies cause emotions, they cause remembrance and calmness as well as anger and frustration. And the more you enjoy a hobby the more you get frustrated.

That has absolutely nothing to do with anger issues. Or are you one of these people who think a husband who's wife cheated also has anger issues when he gets emotional? Because that is also just emotions.


Razor_a7x t1_iyc0qwu wrote

Don’t play a game (or do anything in life really) that pisses you off.

These modern garbage games (LoL, DOTA, Fortnite, Overwatch, Clash of Clans etc.) are created specifically to keep you hooked, even if you don’t like them.

Plan a day to avoid playing with other people, just install a singleplayer game you ment to finish, but did not get around to because of the addiction to multiplayer and FOMO.


Secret_Detective3255 t1_iyc0ref wrote

Don't play competitive games. I used to have rage issues with Madden when I was younger. I don't play Madden anymore, I don't rage anymore.


squeezy102 t1_iyc0w0i wrote

I mean your attitude toward this is just completely wrong.

In your post you say “I did this thing because some random person I’ve never met and never will made me do it because they did this thing that upset me and that’s why I did it.”

No. Wrong. All of that, wrong.

YOU did that. YOU CHOSE to do that, completely of your own volition.

Nobody can MAKE you behave any certain way, your just trying to absolve yourself of any responsibility for your actions. My dad used to do this shit to us when we were kids. Say awful nasty things and then later offer a veiled apology, but it was more like “I’m sorry I said that, but you guys made me say it by acting like whatever.”

No, man. No. YOU did the thing.

The person hundreds of miles away on the other side of a computer monitor has nothing to do with it. A complete non factor in your equation.

YOU have issues controlling your emotions in the face of negative circumstances, or what YOU perceive as negative circumstances. YOU lash out in inappropriate and destructive ways as a response. YOU need to work on that. Either on your own or with a professional, because I’m willing to put money on the fact that this doesn’t just happen when you’re playing video games, does it?

YOU have some work to do.


First_Department4096 t1_iyc0wga wrote

I also had some issues with getting angry and playing online games. So I stopped playing online games. Made my life so much better.


theEsel01 t1_iyc1atc wrote

COop's are great, I get pretty frustrated when ever a friend and I play Mario cart (this is no joke ^^) or certain strategy ganes, we now still play stragety games but mostly together against the AI.

We also play minecraft.

I did not get that angry, but I think enough to understand what you mean.


egbert71 t1_iyc1ivj wrote

Ill never understand the throwing of things tantrum style towards things that cost so very much these days


vivz56 t1_iyc1r0a wrote

There's two issues here, anger management and toxic community. You can start a therapy to work on you, it will help you for the rest of your life but that won't fix the shitty community on these kind of games.

I have some anger management issues too and I had this experience with League of Legends. That feeling of wasting your time and losing a game because a random child decided to ruin it to have some attention.. yeah, I already drop my mic a time or two because of that.

It was hard but the only option for me was asking support to delete my account and definetly stop playing this game because anger management can be addressed, but a shitty community is a shitty community and even if you don't get mad anymore, it's still a pure waste of time for me.

It's hard to stop a game like that with easy and instant adrenaline to learn to take your time on a solo game but in the end, it's way more funny, create globally way less anger and, we're supposed to play for fun heh?


AnInsaneMoose t1_iyc21p2 wrote

Getting angry because of your hobby is fine

Getting angry to the point of throwing and breaking things is not fine

Getting angry because of your spouse cheating is fine

Murdering them because of it is not

Theres more than just angry or calm, theres a whole spectrum there


jokergrin t1_iyc24xj wrote

I agree up to a point, you can swear and get mad BRIEFLY in the heat of the moment, but violent and destructive outbursts are never a good sign. If you have these tendencies you should either resolve them or avoid doing things that can trigger them.


BrilliantMango3291 t1_iyc295s wrote

OP seems to regret it, even asks if they should stop gaming. It also seems it's the first time throwing anything at all. That is by no way a sign of anger issues or something you need to be scared of.


honry_on_alt t1_iyc2fw0 wrote

Well done hope you learned form that


Offside1981 t1_iyc2myn wrote

The ones tell you too get help are often them who trolling and want you too get angry, they are the ones who need the real help, that's a not normal behavor.

That you get angry are normal, no problems, that total normal reaction from someone who feel he can win but do you have another one ruin or cheating, you get upset because of that, unfair fight.
When the anger going over to treathing, than you should consider take a longer break.

Check also how you sleep and eat, that can also be a trigger for you, and stress from your daily life that effect your temper.

Temper are good, that make you wanna win.


Psycho_1986ps4 t1_iyc342a wrote

I wouldn’t say quit gaming as that is my form of therapy, but games in concept are meant to be fun. If at anytime stop having fun cut it off. I do this even on 5v5 games I used to have issues thinking I was wasting others time. But if there’s a troll on your team match was mostly forfeit from the jump. But yeah story element games are better get lost in the adventure. But I am a console player so I already stay on the cheaper side of gaming.


snips86x t1_iyc38qf wrote

You should deal with your anger issues and stop playing games which trigger you. You'd be surprised how much nicer life is when you play a game to chill out instead of rage at.


Sorry-Reading-7003 t1_iyc5css wrote

as someone with anger issues, i usually avoid multiplayer games for this very reason with the exception of gta online


egbert71 t1_iyc5odx wrote

Whatever my guy...i dont really care that you downvoted me. That waa sarcasm when i asked about me being downvoted...i forgot sarcasm doesnt come through on text very well. You have a good day though


Moridin67 t1_iyc5shi wrote

No, but my anger issues were tied to psychosis of nicotine withdrawal. You are certifiably insane while fiending, I do not miss that. My worst outburst these days is a "oh come on, wtf?" And then I move on


CalamitasB t1_iyc6a2s wrote

Obviously you’re sometimes gonna get mad, however it does show a glaring problem when it results in damaging something other than your ego for a few minutes. When do you see someone without anger issues throwing controllers and mouses at screens?


Weender69 t1_iyc78e7 wrote

No, don't quit, just take a break and go look in those problems with the anger


DigitalRelease t1_iyc7ckx wrote

You don't need to quit gaming & people recommending therapy are literal parrots.

Unless you have actual anger issues outside of gaming life, therapy for a game is the most exaggerated recommendation you can be given, being emotional in a competitive environment is fine- healthy even, but it's about recognizing when you are taking it a step too far, you don't need therapy to recognize emotional responses & to be able to tell yourself to stop, Jesus.

It'll sound redundant but getting up & walking away does wonders, tabbing into a casual game to cool off is fine. This isn't said enough actually- but having things outside of your game helps wonders in establishing less of an importance on the "outcome" of one game.

The best outcome out of what you did is, you now have an associated outcome memory for when you do stupid shit- when you get angry in the future that will hopefully trigger a "wake up" moment that'll lead to you realizing you need to take a minute to just stop caring to such a degree.


Ampki t1_iycae7c wrote

Play RPGs take your time and enjoy them no stress.


wiyjeykin t1_iycmu2w wrote

feel same things when play dota(btw i have 3k hours)


jk-Esquire t1_iye3btl wrote

Dumb kid. Clearly you live w your parents. If you had to work hard for your money you wouldn’t waste it


BrilliantMango3291 t1_iyfaynt wrote

Then ask your therapist what's the difference between throwing a fit ONCE and throwing a fit EVERYTIME. Your therapist will most likely be better suited to explain you the difference. Because I'm not patient enough to do that.